#PrayForLove: Are you with the right partner? By Jepoy Pakundo

This post was carefully selected for our #PrayforLove series because it addresses the meaning of love in intimate relationships. This excerpt was found on Facebook.com by Jepoy Pakundo.

Source: Facebook

During a seminar, a woman asked,” How do I know if I am with the right person?”

The author then noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so he said, “It depends. Is that your partner?” In all seriousness, she answered, “How do you know?” Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it’s weighing on your mind
replied the author.

Here’s the answer.

Every relationship has a cycle… In the beginning; you
fall in love with your partner. You anticipate their calls,
want their touch, and like their idiosyncrasies. Falling in love wasn’t hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn’t have to DO anything. That’s why it’s called “falling” in love.

People in love sometimes say, “I was swept of my feet.”Picture the expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something happened TO YOU.

Falling in love is a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few months or years of being together, the euphoria of love fades. It’s a natural cycle of EVERY relationship.

Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse’s idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts. The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship; you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.

At this point, you and/or your partner might start asking, “Am I with the right person?” And as you reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you
may begin to desire that experience with someone
else. This is when relationships breakdown.

The key to succeeding in a relationship is not finding the right person; it’s learning to love the person you found.

People blame their partners for their unhappiness and look outside for fulfillment. Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes.

Infidelity is the most common. But sometimes people turn to work, a hobby, friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances. But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your relationship. It lies within it.

I’m not saying that you couldn’t fall in love with someone else. You could. And TEMPORARILY you’d feel better. But you’d be in the same situation a few years later.

Because (listen carefully to this):

The key to succeeding in a Relationship is not finding the right person; it’s learning to love the Person you found.

SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. You have to work on it day in and day out. It takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly, it demands WISDOM. You have to know
WHAT TO DO to make it work. Make no mistake about it!

Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your partner), Just as there are physical laws Of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships. If you know how to apply these laws, the results are predictable.

Love is therefore a “decision”. Not just a feeling.

Remember this always: God determines who walks into your life. It is up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let GO! ♥

This Facebook post was published in April 2013. Three years ago these words were written and continue to go viral on the social site today. There’s a reason this post continues to circulate online. So many people agree with what the author had to say. Love is a decision many people must learn if they’re willing to sacrifice a part of themselves to keep them happy and a part of your life.

What do you think? Do you agree with the author? Tell us how you view love and relationships in the comments below.

Have you read our last #PrayforLove post? Read #PrayforLove: A Major Message After 2015 Paris Attacks on Doc’s Castle Media.

#PrayForLove: A Major Message After 2015 Paris Attacks

It’s one year after the ISIS terrorist attack on Paris. News outlets from around the world are giving their annual recap of what has changed since the attacks. Many still live in fear of what happened that night as over 130 people were killed from acts of terrorism enacted by ISIS. It became one of the deadliest attacks the country has faced in many years and the country is still working to recover from the eerie night.

In my Facebook memories, I was reminded of the tragedy and how it affected many people around the world. My social media timelines looked divided while people argued over whether to change their profile pictures to the French flag. People screamed about such coverage by our news stations in America covering those attacks as being a distraction from issues happening around our country. There was a fear that if people paid more attention to issues outside of the nation rather than the issues within, America would continue to fall by the wayside like there wasn’t enough compassion to go around. There was a lot of bickering between folks trying to persuade others on how they should feel about terrorism.

Experiencing the social effects of the Paris attacks brought me to the realization that many people are selective in what they choose to have empathy towards. I went on to share my thoughts on Facebook about what I believe could help us move past the grief. What I expressed to my Facebook friends is still relevant so I thought I’d share it again on Doc’s Castle Media as the first excerpt to #PrayForLove series, which is 8-months overdue. (haha) The attacks on Paris also was my motivation to start #PrayforLove.

Drawing by Alissa Fere. Nov. 13, 2015
Drawing by Alissa Fere. Nov. 13, 2015

Doc’s Facebook Post:

I see everyone’s point that’s being made about the Paris attacks yesterday. There are no right and wrong answers or statements, here. These are all opinions. I’m happy it has people talking about violence and making everyone think of ways to reduce these issues.

Actions are louder than words, and what these attackers are doing is making everyone speak! That is an action! It’s starting there. But we need to speak these thoughts so loud enough that it provokes people to make a move. We should talk about all the problems we’re facing in the world today so much it’s sickening; that it makes someone want to do better and it makes someone want to Lead as an example. We should challenge ourselves every time we hear about these horrendous acts to LOVE and to not argue who’s right or wrong! Talk about love. Love our neighbors, families, co-workers, pedestrians, strangers, and friends so we can BE BETTER people. Let the thoughts of being better people consume us every day by acknowledging every problem in the world and doing the opposite of what’s expected. There is no distraction from anything!

Y’all make me laugh saying this is a distraction from other stuff happening. Do y’all only want to focus on only one thing or something? Are y’all not capable of seeing more than one issue at a time? Is one place more important than the other? Who makes the decision on what is more deserving of everyone’s attention? It doesn’t even matter because change starts in the mind and body. It starts from within ourselves. It starts with a simple understanding of a word. It starts with understanding the meaning of Love.

The distraction is when you choose to think you’re right and someone else is wrong, and then y’all arguing about it, completely missing the point, and displaying the total opposite of what love really means. Get it together! Respect and love everyone, period.”

With that being said, there should be an exception to love.

How did you feel about the Paris attacks last year? Were you one of the many who changed their profile picture on Facebook to the French Flag? Leave your thoughts below.

Three Reasons To Be Tina Belcher (#DocsCastle Halloween Recap)

Every Halloween, I have to go all out and do my best to dress up as whatever the hottest trend of the year may be at the moment. For 2016, I decided to be the loveable Tina Belcher from Bob’s Burgers.

Photo by Google Images
Photo by Google Images

In Doc’s Castle Media history, I’ve dressed as some pretty questionable characters; as “ratchet girl” and “Tyler, the champion of courage.” This year I took an easier approach to finding a costume, partly because I procrastinated on buying the costume I really wanted, which was Donald Trump’s musty toupee. But I mainly ran with the idea of being Tina because I knew everyone would “get me” for simply being her.

Bob Burger’s has taken the Fox Network by storm. The show is on its 7th season, and it’s going strong holding it’s 7:30 pm ETA spot Sunday evenings on Fox with other longer running shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy.

Everyone loves Tina Belcher because she is so weird but absolutely loveable. How could anyone not love her? A Tina fan cannot help but root for her as she lusts over Jimmy Junior for a lengthy 7 seasons. Or how about when she’s put in charge as baby sitter of her two younger siblings Jean and Louise? We just know that something is bound to go down because of her leniency to care about the consequences of her actions while horseplaying with her little brother and sister. Tina can be confused as the responsible one, but she’s just as fun as the rest of the Belcher family.

When I went out for Halloween as this spunky teen, I received so many compliments. Whether it be that I nailed her look or people confessed their love for her character on the show, everything was so positive. Those kind of reactions make me love participating in Halloween. It’s the only time of the year someone can dress up as anything and not be rejected by their peers for it.


It wasn’t enough to simply dress like Tina. I have to share my Three Awesome Reasons I’m Glad I Choose to Be Tina Belcher for Halloween, of course! So here it goes…

One: Tina can be an awesome role model.

If I had to choose role model of a cartoon character from what we know to be an adult cartoon, Tina Belcher would have to be the best candidate. Unlike Haley Smith from American Dad and Meg Griffin from Family Guy, Tina Belcher doesn’t try to be beyond her age. She’s only 13 years old, that’s around middle school years, while Haley and Meg are a few years older and well off in high school. Tina doesn’t annoy us with bickering hatred or whiney slurs towards her parents like the stereotypical television teenager. In place of that, is a burning yearning curiosity and imagination; something we never want to die within ourselves. She keeps any kid who’s spectating down to earth in a reality suitable for their age.

Two: No matter how weird Tina may be, she always ends up being true to herself.

This analogy can actually be addressed to Tina’s entire family, but to remain focused, Tina does this exceptionally well to be only a preteen. When dealing in shenanigans with her frenemy  Tammy, she always unbothered with Tammy’s insults. She fails to get embarrassed easily whenever in a moment of uncertainty. But if there is a time she’s feeling threatened emotionally, it’s only for a split second as Tina is reminded by her Belcher family of her greatness.  It’s amazing, and also makes Tina more funny because it’s like she has blinders on whenever a moment you’d expect her to react go completely left field. It’s those periods when she shows us how to remain true to ourselves. She leaves us with the message that being real with ourselves makes us happier, always.

Three: Tina is an aspiring author.

Tina is a writer, just like me! Tina spends her time writing erotic fan fiction about herself, her biggest crush, and her friends in her journals. She keeps her erotic stories in her composition notebooks with aspirations to share her work with peers one day. I can relate to her unyielding ambition because I journal too. Tina being a writer fit so perfectly for me because I can still take on role-playing her and carry my journal along the way if I need to jot something down.

Tina is the new sexy in these three ways so much so animators should model their future characters off of her spunk. What do you say? Who’s your favorite Belcher? Tell us in the comments below.   

Did you see the awesome costumes of people dressed up for Free Comic Book Day? Read Free Comic Book Day: Visit Collectors Corner Now ( A #DCM Recap) on Doc’s Castle Media.

Artist Update: MDMA Cobain (aka Raw Skinny) #CutThaCheck Podcast Launch Over Weekend

MDMA Cobain is back from hibernating under a rock and ready to give us his best  and very long overdue radio voice with his new podcast #CutThaCheck. His show is bigger, better and brighter this time as MDMA Cobain provides us with new talent from artists in the DMV and more music by the most talented of Baltimore’s barrel.

MDMA Cobain, better known as Frank the host of this quite swanky show, gives us the jewels with his first podcast from his new series with co-host RonRoc, music producer of the MDMA Lifestyle Brand. In this interview, we become familiar with Baltimore Blogger Shae McCoy, hip-hop duo HollidayShellz, and MDMA Lifestyle artist Relloe1489.

Listen to Episode 1 of #CutThaCheck Podcast:

MDMA Cobain was one of the first to do an audio interview of me on the 2014 podcast The Raw Skinny Show on StaffRadio410. As I recall, it was unlike any conducted prior to it’s time, and what drew me to following him as an online personality.

What keeps me so intrigued with MDMA Cobain’s branding techniques is his unique parodies that come along with the show. During #CutThaCheck, we hear a parody about a woman who is “Clique Bait,”which is a female who’s been around town if you catch my drift. Usually the music shared on Frank’s podcasts are artist’s originals, but you’ll hear the occasional Juicy J, Project Pat or rapidly emerging Flatbush Zombies via the podcast, as well.

So what do you think about this new local show? We surely hope to hear and see more from the MDMA Lifestyle brand. Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

For you to keep up with the MDMA Lifestyle music follow their soundcloud, here.

BmoreBeatClub was lit for their second anniversity. Read #BmoreBeatClub Celebrates 2nd Anniversary Outdoors In Front of Hundreds at Annual Festival on Doc’s Castle Media.

Anti-Trump Protesters Face-Off Trump Supporters Outside Annual National Guard Convention in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor (A #DocsCastle Recap)

Earlier in the week, Donald Trump visited Baltimore City to campaign to National Guard members as they attended the annual National Guard convention in Baltimore Inner Harbor. While visiting the charming city, the Republican candidate was confronted yet again with a crowd of strong opposing sides; both Trump supporters and peaceful protesters in front of the Baltimore convention center.

At 11:30 AM, the rally outside of the convention was scheduled to begin and was reported by news outlets such as Fox 45 News and WJZ CBS Baltimore. Though Trump was not expected to speak during the convention until 1 PM, all the action took place on public property in front of the National Guard Convention.

Across from Pratt Street on the opposite side of the Convention Center stood the Trump Supporters with their vote Trump and “Make America Great Again” signs. There they stood, a group of majority white-collared professionals sprinkled in with a few ignorant rednecks who arrived in a white and blue school bus, foreign to natives of the city. Adjacent to their street corner of choice at the intersection of Charles and Pratt Street, stood the hopeful and high-spirited protesters with their many signs expressing their freedoms of speech.

For a total of four hours, the groups battled to get their points across. Trump supporters reciting policies that Trump promises to implement once in the office while protesters chant “Fuck Trump.” The atmosphere was at odds.

For the most part, the rally held Monday morning was peaceful. But as expected, there were Trump supporters who became too passionate and chose to resort to violence to get their message across. One supporter hopped on his bicycle riding at full speed towards the protesters in hopes his salivating mouth would gain its relief, as he aimed halt spit in the direction of a protester’s face. He did not succeed. Baltimore City police officers intervened pulling the Trump supporter away from the crowd.

The heat was on the moment protesters viewed police officers protecting the supporters instead of being the protectors of everyone. Even while Trump supporters aggressively wiggled their way towards protesters, Baltimore police continued to remind the day’s freedom fighters to remain calm and away from the Trump supporters. Frustrated by this, the majority of Protesters left the opposing corner of Charles and Pratt to be on the same side of the street where Trump Supporters stood.

For the remainder of the event, a political whirlwind rested between Bank of America and Baltimore Convention Center until crowds died down. Trump was never spotted.

Donald Trump did not speak publicly to crowds outside the convention center. But he was spotted in Dundalk Baltimore, MD on social media.

More Photos from September 12, 2016 Protest:


How do you think Donald Trump should have responded to the rally that took place outside of the Baltimore Convention Center? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

YTubeVidAlert! The World’s Hottest Pepper Challenge Gone Wrong (Full Video)

Today’s YTube Alert is a viral video that most of you might have already viewed on Facebook. This is the full video of Elizabeth and Sabrina from the Lizzy Wurst YouTube Channel eating the world’s hottest pepper.

Lizzy Wurst Hottest Pepper Challange
Photo Cred: http://67.media.tumblr.com/0280385e6c1227f463f9a179bf2dae43/tumblr_ocq1177mKA1s2md07_og_1280.jpg

I don’t know where this phase of completing challenges to post for people to watch online came from. But as far as I can remember, it’s been the craze since 2014. Even I have taken the time to complete a challenge to bring awareness towards a deserving issue. Associate editor of Doc’s Castle Media and author of Hide and I’ll Seek Blog Series Kendyl Walker challenged me to the Ice Bucket Challenge in respects of those who are battling for a cure for ALS.

[Watch Full Ice Bucket Challenge, here.]

These challenges are very fun to do and it’s a great way to get a message across for important topics. But some challenges can go too far and could cause serious harm if people aren’t careful with what they’re doing. I’ll never forget when the fire challenge suddenly became the craze on the Internet.

This week I spotted a video going viral of two young girls completing a challenge to try the world’s hottest pepper. The world’s hottest pepper is the Carolina Reaper Pepper. It originated in Rock hill, South Carolina and was named the world’s hottest pepper August 7, 2013 by Guinness World Record.

In the video, Elizabeth and Sabrina each take a bite of the raw pepper and immediately catch the shock of a lifetime. It may be a shock that they surely regretted.

If you haven’t checked out this funny channel, you’re missing out. These girls spend their days completing many challenges. I think their challenge to take on the Carolina Reaper is their funniest video, yet.

What was the crazy challenge you watched on YouTube? Comment them below.

Did you read the last YTube Alert? Read “#YTubeVidAlert! Delegation of Authority: What Did KorrynGaines Mean?” on Doc’s Castle Media.

#BmoreBeatClub Celebrates 2nd Anniversary Outdoors In Front of Hundreds at Annual Festival (A #DocsCastle Recap)

The Bmore Beat Club lit the corner of Charles Street and North Avenue over the weekend with their 2nd Annual Celebration at The Ynot Lot. Hundreds gathered at the lot participating in festival activities by watching producers, rappers, and MC’s collaborate in a hip-hop experience unique to Baltimore’s Art Scene.

Bmore Beat Club is an open mic organized by The Lineup Room with a purpose of bridging relationships between MCs and producers. It’s not your commonly found Open Mic in Baltimore, either. At BBC, producers bring their best compositions to the forefront while rappers reveal their true lyricism in collaboration with producer’s beats. Everything is done on stage in front hip-hop fans. This unique experience takes you back to a time when hip-hop was first birthed in New York City, but BBC delivers with its own Bmore twist.

Over the weekend, locals made cameo appearances in celebration of BBC’s second year running. Baltimore artists such as DDM, Icon Tha God, Chase Ultra, Doowy Lloh, Donnie Breeze, and many more graced Ynot’s corner with a fiery presence and lots of thriving energy. The night’s turnout was beyond what was expected, and the crowd welcomed the raw talent with love and respect.

It was just a tiny hump during the show, but The Lineup Room continued to prevail. There were miniature electrical malfunctions that may have stolen 10 minutes of the festival’s time. But evening’s innovators turned downtime into time travel, as rappers quickly formed a circle center of the crowd sparking an old school cypher. It was a spectacular save, and the night was at hip-hop’s original state, once again.


At that moment, the turn-up became real and electrifying performances of talent from different corners of the city showed everyone what they had to offer. In seeing all the positivity, there was no doubt the open mic was a success.

The Lineup Room awarded the winner of the open mic with an EP record deal, 100 CDs, music video, and public relations services. A great package for the determined and goal-driven recording artist.

The open mic ended promptly at 11 PM, but the celebration was far from over. Bmore Beat Club after party was held at The Crown, just 3 doors down from The Ynot Lot. So event-goers could mingle some more and not make huge commutes outside of the Station North art grounds.

Bmore Beat Club is an ongoing open mic held every second Thursday of the month. If you’d like to feel what an original hip-hop experience in Baltimore is like, be sure to stop by Maryland Art Place in downtown Baltimore for Episode 25 on September 8th. Stay updated with other opportunities by The Lineup Room by following their Facebook and Instagram page at @lineuproomstudio.

Did you know Bmore Beat Club Open Mic was not the first of event of its kind? Read about my experience attending Beat Trip on Doc’s Castle Media.

Writers In Baltimore School Ends Summer Writing Program with Bang for Annual Reading Celebration at Red Emma’s Bookstore and Coffeehouse

Each year, Writers in Baltimore School recruit middle and high school students into a one- week summer reading and writing program to help promote proficient reading and writing skills within Baltimore City Urban youth. To end their annual closing ceremony this year, the student’s mentors and writing coaches encouraged students to read projects they worked on throughout the summer to their family and friends a Red Emma’s Bookstore and Coffeehouse on North Avenue.


Students took turns performing front and center at Red Emma’s mic to recite their best work on various topics. Beautiful and thought-provoking pieces on subjects such as love, respect, and inspiration. Some students even opened up to sharing their thoughts on deeper topics like heartbreak, death, and injustice. These youngsters showed their versatility with words.

The students of Writers in Baltimore School let their listeners in on what’s happening in their heads. While listening to this talented group’s thoughts, I had to take a step back and admire what these kids were contributing. As adults, we can easily overlook what these students care about. We forget that the decisions that our society makes affects them, as well. Hearing the stories and poems of how these students felt about their communities and culture stuck with me.

Our children’s future matters. They’re our decision-makers for how we will live later down the line. So what happens in our society should make enough sense for them to understand because they live in cohabitation with the rest of us. I sometimes wonder how these kids end up getting the short end of the stick from the adults who make the decisions for them? To think when we make decisions to discontinue grading homework in our Baltimore County Schools or when we abolish after school programs and recreational centers because of lack of funding, how it can do more harm, than good. Writers In Baltimore School programs bring us back full circle in reminding us that the youth is who matters.  

Writer’s In Baltimore’s mission as stated on their Facebook page states:

“WBS seeks to provide middle school students with a vibrant environment for literary development through in-school, afterschool, and summer creative writing workshops taught by Baltimore writers and college students. Compared to higher income peers, the reading assessment scores of low-income Baltimore students drop significantly between grades 5-8. WBS believes that by supplementing low-income students’ middle school language arts learning with an intensive program in literary reading and creative writing, these students can enter high school with a renewed interest in literature. WBS steps in where the traditional language arts classroom falls short by giving students a smaller, more participatory setting to hone reading and writing skills.”

It could be cliché for me to say this quote, but I can wholeheartedly attest there is truth behind the phrase, “Reading is fundamental.” Reading can take a person places they’ve never been. It can make people experience things they’ve never done, and provide opportunities once someone unlocks knowledge from the pages read. While listening to the students talk of the summer books they read, and of the short stories and poems they wrote, I learned what each individual had experienced personally. I believed their summer classes changed them in a way that helped them grow. The experience was fundamental.

Writers In Baltimore Schools hold a variety of workshops; in-school, after school, song-writing, and theater themes. Would you say programs like WBS are helping our community and youth? Share your thoughts below.

#YTubeVideoAlert! Delegation of Authority: What did #KorrynGaines Mean?

Everything that happens has a reason and a cause. That’s why I won’t knock the knowledge I’ve learned since the death of Korrynn Gaines, the 23-year black woman who was gunned down by police officers earlier this August in front of her 5-year-old son and the comfort of her own home. 

Photo From Korryn Gaines Social Account
Photo From Korryn Gaines Social Account

Since Korrynn’s death, there’s are numerous questions about what truly happened during her 6-hour standoff with the Baltimore County Police Department. For several days, the general public was left in the dark about whether the police kicked her apartment door in while entering her apartment or if they obtained a key, and questions on whether she fired her shotgun at police first or if the police did.

[Read more about Police Omissions and Delays Related to Korryn Gaines Shooting via City Paper.]

Hearing so many questions regarding this shooting can make someone question if the people we put our trust in to protect and serve us are really honest in their dealings. It caused me to do a little more research about policy.

Previous to Korrynn’s most recent encounter with the Baltimore County Police Department, there was another incident with county police in March. The police interrogated the Korryn for 20 minutes for driving around with cardboard tags instead of Maryland state tags on her car. When asked to provide documentation for her vehicle, she repeatedly refused to present her driver’s license, tags, and registration. Some articles on the Internet state Korryn was pulled over while practicing sovereign law. Take a look at this footage as she refused to provide identification for police officers in March while she was pulled over for a traffic violation.

Delegation of Authority: What does it mean?

Like many of us that have a growing curiosity for something we desperately want an answer to, I went to YouTube for a quick definition. I came across a lot of videos that gave good definitions. But there was one particular journalist named Andrew Westmoreland who gave me the best explanation to what delegation of authority meant in the sense of its use in law enforcement. I also found websites that further explained how it is used to delegate orders to people of the law. Though I can’t say what Westmoreland is saying is the fact, he does make a few valid points that I cannot look past, like people not being aware of their laws and policies as it relates to current events with cases about police brutality.  

With Korryn Gaines, lots of people may have jumped to conclusions too quickly about her character by saying she’s crazy or mental. There is obviously something more. According to what is observed in her encounter with the addition to learning more about delegation of authority, Korryn had a genuine concern about how she dealt with law enforcers. She was a smart and strong-willed woman. She truly stuck to what she believed was her due to rights. To her, there is a correct way of doing things. She literally died for what she believed.

Would you believe Korryn’s notion to ask the police for delegation of authority was justified after watching journalists explain what it means? Leave your comments below.

Did you read about the Korryn Gaines Pop Up Art Show in Honor of her message? Read Protecting A Legacy: Korryn Gaines Pop-Up Art Show on Doc’s Castle Media.

Protect Your Mental: Stress Relieving Tips For Recent Police Brutality Events (#BlackLivesMatter)

America is in chaos with continuous brews of police brutality cases arising throughout the country. With two newly found communities added to the growing list, Baton Rouge, Missouri, and Falcon Heights, Minnesota, I would highly suggest our American government consider finding SOLUTIONS to our countries problems now.

Who likes waking up to someone getting shot multiple times on a live stream through Facebook? Not I.

I’m sure many people did not elect to have that option when choosing to sign up for Facebook or Twitter. But as technology has a plethora of triumphs to be proud of, blatant murder witnessed by the eyes of billions of people on more than numerous occasions should not be one of them.

Photo from The Vurger Co.

Even after so many years, there are still so many instances where police can often take their duties to the extreme and we witness it. [Read The 10 Worse Cases of Police Brutality in History, here.]

In Baltimore, another city to fall victim to police brutality has taken another hit. Late July, the highest-ranking police officer to be charged in relation to the death of Freddie Gray was found NOT guilty of charges. Not too long afterward, the judge ordered that all further trials in his case be dropped. That news does not fall pleasantly amongst native Baltimore citizens ears as Freddie Gray’s death was ruled as a homicide, and of all officers to be tried, none have been convicted of criminal charges.

Some people feel overwhelmed with current events, which brings me to share five ways of protecting your mental during times of racial unrest. The Internet, which was once a place of leisure, has become a place I now take breaks from; a place I have to escape every once in a while because of its censorship towards black people’s death sentences. As a young black woman, I can share with you a few things that help me remain level headed when stories, like Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Philandro Castile, and more recently Korynn Gaines strike our media.  These are things I’ve got in the habit of doing since the death of Trayvon Martin. Will my list grow longer? Who knows but hopefully I can help the next black person feel better when it comes to these incidents.

One: Sign out of your social media accounts.

First advice I can give you to help protect your mental is to unplug from your social media pages. Those negatively charged digital words that appear on your screens are not worth you draining any of the positive energy you may already have to carry on with your day.

Facebook is the ultimate boxing match for even the most simple and childish debates. If you don’t believe racism exist, you have never read any of the comments on most posts that go viral. Next time you watch a video on Facebook, visit the comment section. Count how many trolls appear down its list. Sometimes even reading those negative comments from the trolls can get your blood boiling.

Angry Typing

Signing offline is easier said than done since Facebook has permanently made homage in our lives. It gives us our daily news, connects us to our loved ones, and provides us with our entertainment. But to protect our mental health, I deem it necessary to sign off for maybe just a few hours as we focus on searching for a better way to live in peace while we find solutions for injustices. When debates turn into hateful slurs, time to turn off your screens. That is not loving.  

Two: Allow yourself time to be angry only for the day. Then be constructive with your energy when the time calls for it to be useful.

I don’t want to promote anger that could fuel more hate. But when I feel defeated by something like this, which is larger than I am, I allow myself to release any demons that are inside me at the time.

When all charges were dropped in the case of Freddie Gray, I was pissed. Though majority of my emotions could be labeled as sadness and disappointment, sitting in one spot crying and shaking my head at what I don’t understand countless times can easily turn into anger and insanity because of it’s frequency. I’m exhausted there isn’t any accountability for any of the cases around our country involving brutal police actions. Gray wasn’t the first or second to be killed by police. His number is unknown and that is a problem.

For families to be left without explanations and ignored by a government meant to serve them, there should be no expectation from any authority to expect these families to let whatever happened just go. This is the same for every citizen that can relate to feeling hurt by these cases. Expecting anyone to ignore what happened and to let these victims’ murderers get away without any ounce of blame is the biggest slap in the face known to humankind. I give you the permission to be mad, but not for long. After you mope around in your grief enough, you gather your thoughts and fight back!

Three: Get creative.

Many ways you can fight back against police brutality is by turning your anger into something beautiful and fighting a negative with a positive.

During times like these, new artists are born. History has proven that issues like these are windows to large movements, such as the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Panther Movement, and today, Black Lives Matter. Over the weekend, the Korryn Gaines Pop Art Show, an art exhibit organized by Karl Keels, best known as Karlito Freeze of Strong Way Radio,  and Milly Vanderwood of Give & Take: An Artistic Experience has open doors for many pro-black artists to show their love and support for beautiful and powerful black women who stood for everything that she believed in. Proceeds from the show were donated to Korryn Gaines’ family.

Photo of Korryn Gaines

Getting creative can be the medicine not only to your needs but it can heal onlookers as well. People who can relate to what you create make themselves available to support when they feel a passion behind your cause. That’s why your anger has to be embraced. It is the passion to drive the change this nation needs.

Four: Find people who share the same interests and think like you.

This fourth tip, I cannot say more than enough. Associating with people who do not relate to who you are can be draining. Their negativity is distracting and can hold a person back from being the best person they can be. To get out of these ruts we must rise out of these dark rabbit holes and find people who can be that medicine to our depression.  

Many African American organizations, like Hands Up United, the Black Women in Sisterhood for Action (BISA), and the National Action Network, were formed by people who think the same as their peers. These organizers come together because they were affected by inequality, social injustice, and systemic racism in some way. They work as a family and strategically towards saving their communities. Each group’s mission is to create a better future for minorities in hopes of stopping injustices. This week there’s a similar discussion being formed to talk about the injustices that occurred towards Korryn Gaines.

Once you’ve found people who you share common interests and goals, they’ll become the people that’ll be your support system through making a change in your life and community. When multiple minds come together for a better purpose, great outcomes are its results. In the 1960s, black people united to get the civil rights act passed. Today, black people come together to rise above other civil issues, as well. It’s the circle of life.

Five: Realize that showing support for a fellow brother or sister can be the start to change.

What’s currently happening in the black community can be traced back to the idea that blacks lack support for one another. There is a divide in the black community that Black people must overcome. Racism is the root of that divide. The only way to overcome that obstacle is by acknowledging racism to be that the true reason and to unite through supporting one another.

People all over the country are experiencing the same struggles. We see this all over the news. Lots of people are in their moment of adversity. Times have shown during moments of adversity, black people undergo a period of liberation and develop a “new hope.” When things get tough, they march, sing, worship, and praise together. Often in their hour of liberation, change is adopted. Great things happen and the world’s burdens don’t seem so bad. If all this goes on from adversity, we already know that supporting one another is a huge factor in helping create change. Let’s take that step to make a difference.

These five steps have brought me closer to a reality that many other black Americans are experiencing, as well. It’s time to stop encouraging the hate by continuously condoning it and not doing anything about it. To relieve our stress from all these killings we need to first stop accepting it when we watch it. We have to turn the computer off the next time we watch someone die. With fewer views, I believe there will be less for us to see. We need to put things in place to replace those images, and we have to stick together so it can all work. This can be achieved by considering these five tips.

So what do you say? Would you agree that these five tips can be the start of a cultural healing? Leave your comments below.