#PrayForLove: Visit Loring Cornish’s #ICantBreathe Exhibition at How Great Thou Art Gallery

On another walk around Baltimore, I came across another outside art exhibition like the Black Lives Matter Mural in Patterson Park in September. This time in Baltimore’s Fell Point to get out of the house for a bit and visit Sound Garden to browse some vinyl and old flicks. A trip well spent because I bought some cool new socks. But also set my eyes upon a beautiful exhibit at the How Great Thou Art Gallery worthy of a PrayForLove highlight on Doc’s Castle Media. Baltimore Mosaic Artist Loring Cornish creates I Can’t Breathe outside exhibition to bring attention to police brutality.

Last month, we were hit with the devastating news of Breonna Taylor’s verdict. And just like when I scroll my social feeds, days later, I strolled by a reminder, in person, that we’re still in the midst of a war with police policy and reform. I’m tired.

Cornish exhibit is a pause in time. It makes you think. I took a moment of silence before I visited the Sound Garden next door. I saw all the names of victims fallen by police brutality represented by burning candles just under the “I can’t fucking breathe” sign. George Floyd and Breonna Taylor’s pictures displayed large as day with words of frustration and “I will never understand” written in all caps all around them. This case is the loudest breakthrough we’ve had in recent years. Two pictures of Breonna Taylor stand directly along side the burning candles. The exhibit makes me upset. The build-up of all of this has gone on far too long. I don’t understand, either. So I pause to take it in.

The exhibit is getting quite the buzz as people share their experiences on their social media using the hashtag #LoringCornish. On Instagram, there are over 500+ shared posts of Loring Cornish’s exhibit. 

Cornish had many other exhibitions focusing on race and police in previous years. In 2015 following the death of Freddie Gray, Cornish decorated a police box in Station North “to bring attention to police operating practices that have made millions of Americans uncomfortable.” He also received national attention for his Black “lynched” doll exhibition in response to Eric Gardner, Walter Scott, and Michael Brown. Cornish used his passion and talent to raise awareness of police brutality throughout the decade.

The How Great Thou Art Gallery is owned by Cornish and is the home to a plethora of beautiful creations made by the Mosaic artist himself. Check out more art at the Loring Cornish website.

“I will never understand,” either. Would you visit this exhibition? Leave your comments below.

#PrayForLove: Are you with the right partner? By Jepoy Pakundo

This post was carefully selected for our #PrayforLove series because it addresses the meaning of love in intimate relationships. This excerpt was found on Facebook.com by Jepoy Pakundo.

Source: Facebook

During a seminar, a woman asked,” How do I know if I am with the right person?”

The author then noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so he said, “It depends. Is that your partner?” In all seriousness, she answered, “How do you know?” Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it’s weighing on your mind
replied the author.

Here’s the answer.

Every relationship has a cycle… In the beginning; you
fall in love with your partner. You anticipate their calls,
want their touch, and like their idiosyncrasies. Falling in love wasn’t hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn’t have to DO anything. That’s why it’s called “falling” in love.

People in love sometimes say, “I was swept of my feet.”Picture the expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something happened TO YOU.

Falling in love is a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few months or years of being together, the euphoria of love fades. It’s a natural cycle of EVERY relationship.

Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse’s idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts. The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship; you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.

At this point, you and/or your partner might start asking, “Am I with the right person?” And as you reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you
may begin to desire that experience with someone
else. This is when relationships breakdown.

The key to succeeding in a relationship is not finding the right person; it’s learning to love the person you found.

People blame their partners for their unhappiness and look outside for fulfillment. Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes.

Infidelity is the most common. But sometimes people turn to work, a hobby, friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances. But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your relationship. It lies within it.

I’m not saying that you couldn’t fall in love with someone else. You could. And TEMPORARILY you’d feel better. But you’d be in the same situation a few years later.

Because (listen carefully to this):

The key to succeeding in a Relationship is not finding the right person; it’s learning to love the Person you found.

SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. You have to work on it day in and day out. It takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly, it demands WISDOM. You have to know
WHAT TO DO to make it work. Make no mistake about it!

Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your partner), Just as there are physical laws Of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships. If you know how to apply these laws, the results are predictable.

Love is therefore a “decision”. Not just a feeling.

Remember this always: God determines who walks into your life. It is up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let GO! ♥

This Facebook post was published in April 2013. Three years ago these words were written and continue to go viral on the social site today. There’s a reason this post continues to circulate online. So many people agree with what the author had to say. Love is a decision many people must learn if they’re willing to sacrifice a part of themselves to keep them happy and a part of your life.

What do you think? Do you agree with the author? Tell us how you view love and relationships in the comments below.

Have you read our last #PrayforLove post? Read #PrayforLove: A Major Message After 2015 Paris Attacks on Doc’s Castle Media.

#PrayForLove: A Major Message After 2015 Paris Attacks

It’s one year after the ISIS terrorist attack on Paris. News outlets from around the world are giving their annual recap of what has changed since the attacks. Many still live in fear of what happened that night as over 130 people were killed from acts of terrorism enacted by ISIS. It became one of the deadliest attacks the country has faced in many years and the country is still working to recover from the eerie night.

In my Facebook memories, I was reminded of the tragedy and how it affected many people around the world. My social media timelines looked divided while people argued over whether to change their profile pictures to the French flag. People screamed about such coverage by our news stations in America covering those attacks as being a distraction from issues happening around our country. There was a fear that if people paid more attention to issues outside of the nation rather than the issues within, America would continue to fall by the wayside like there wasn’t enough compassion to go around. There was a lot of bickering between folks trying to persuade others on how they should feel about terrorism.

Experiencing the social effects of the Paris attacks brought me to the realization that many people are selective in what they choose to have empathy towards. I went on to share my thoughts on Facebook about what I believe could help us move past the grief. What I expressed to my Facebook friends is still relevant so I thought I’d share it again on Doc’s Castle Media as the first excerpt to #PrayForLove series, which is 8-months overdue. (haha) The attacks on Paris also was my motivation to start #PrayforLove.

Drawing by Alissa Fere. Nov. 13, 2015
Drawing by Alissa Fere. Nov. 13, 2015

Doc’s Facebook Post:

I see everyone’s point that’s being made about the Paris attacks yesterday. There are no right and wrong answers or statements, here. These are all opinions. I’m happy it has people talking about violence and making everyone think of ways to reduce these issues.

Actions are louder than words, and what these attackers are doing is making everyone speak! That is an action! It’s starting there. But we need to speak these thoughts so loud enough that it provokes people to make a move. We should talk about all the problems we’re facing in the world today so much it’s sickening; that it makes someone want to do better and it makes someone want to Lead as an example. We should challenge ourselves every time we hear about these horrendous acts to LOVE and to not argue who’s right or wrong! Talk about love. Love our neighbors, families, co-workers, pedestrians, strangers, and friends so we can BE BETTER people. Let the thoughts of being better people consume us every day by acknowledging every problem in the world and doing the opposite of what’s expected. There is no distraction from anything!

Y’all make me laugh saying this is a distraction from other stuff happening. Do y’all only want to focus on only one thing or something? Are y’all not capable of seeing more than one issue at a time? Is one place more important than the other? Who makes the decision on what is more deserving of everyone’s attention? It doesn’t even matter because change starts in the mind and body. It starts from within ourselves. It starts with a simple understanding of a word. It starts with understanding the meaning of Love.

The distraction is when you choose to think you’re right and someone else is wrong, and then y’all arguing about it, completely missing the point, and displaying the total opposite of what love really means. Get it together! Respect and love everyone, period.”

With that being said, there should be an exception to love.

How did you feel about the Paris attacks last year? Were you one of the many who changed their profile picture on Facebook to the French Flag? Leave your thoughts below.

#PrayforLove Movement: A Response to A World of Tragedies

Pray For Love


The year 2015 was very rocky. Before the year’s end, by mid-December, I felt like I reached 50 years old through experiencing so much internal suffering and empathy for all the tragedies happening throughout 2015, in addition to the little struggles I’ve experienced within my own life. I thought I was going to explode.

The year was a killer, literally.
But I cannot get over all the ignorance I’ve seen from humanity last year. I’m disappointed in the human race. My heart aches from seeing man become such a disgrace in the most recent blunders of current events. From the increasingly publicized stories of police brutality and racism to acts of horrendous terrorism from ISIS, humanity has orchestrated a very effective visual of what selfishness looks like. It’s so saddening and makes me feel that there is little hope for what our world will become in the next few years. Will it get better or worse?

PrayForLove (Blog)

In the wake of how terrible last year has made me felt towards man, I’ve come up with lots of questions about compassion, sympathy, love, generosity, and anything that could be considered humanly traits that make a man be considered human and not a vicious, self-seeking, destroyer of the living robot. I want to observe what love is. I want know why people can’t give compassion to another. Why is it so hard to give another person a piece of happiness.

#PrayForLove is not just a hashtag I’ve adopted just to post on all my social accounts each time I have a new picture, meme, or status to share.
#PrayForLove is my call for attention for people to mind to what’s happening around them. It’s a one woman movement where I’m spending my days recording my thoughts of what’s happening around me. We as a people are losing touch with our spiritual selves. People aren’t awake or aware of anything worth being proud of. We all just seem to be getting by.

Pray for Love is something I hope will start with Doc’s Castle Media, along with all my other social sites, a call to action to possibly influence other people to learn to love themselves and everyone around them, regardless of what’s happening in the world or in their personal lives.


I want to make a difference in the hearts of many. I want the world to focus on the positive and not feed into the world’s demons and devils working to destroy a sense of peace. My post is here to provoke thought; to create a second for someone to think before they act. Though biology may beg to differ, humanity is not a bunch of animals without the capability to overcome hate. As the most developed species to walk this earth, we do not often act as such because of selfish intentions. Not to say ignore what you want, but people should learn to be more considerate and mindful of choosing to not harm another through their words and actions.

As you read this blog, I challenge you not to only #PrayForLove but to notice the areas in your life where love is needed. Ask yourself, what can I do to change the world around me? Does your elderly neighborhood need someone to help with shoveling their sidewalk? Does your boss seem like they need a word of encouragement after having to discipline an unreasonable coworker? Do you need a moment to yourself to distress from constant turmoil? Let’s learn to love through pulsing and considering what is best.

What do you believe can be done to spread love? Name one thing you can tribute to this movement in the comment below.