Hip-hop is indeed a culture that captivates every soul at least once in a lifetime. But man, can it get to be so damn corny.

This week’s YTube Vid of the Week comes from a random stumble upon while scrolling my Facebook timeline, and not browsing YouTube as I normally do. I was reading an article about Disney princesses on Buzzfeed (don’t ask haha) when I suddenly see a headline that caught my eye regarding two generations of Disney goddesses battle rap for the win. What win? I don’t know. See the ridiculous video below.


The Internet is interesting isn’t it? Can you believe there are more princess rap battles on YouTube? All I can say is the mind is amazing because I never know what motivates people to make some videos. Haha.

Who do you think won this battle? Obviously, it was Elsa, but leave your comments below.

Have you watch our last YTube Vid of the Week? See Lil Mama The Lyrical Purge 0 to 100 Freestyle on Doc’s Castle Media.

Vote for Doc’s Castle Media in 2014 Mobbies Maryland Blog Competition

What an honor! I have been nominated under three categories in the 2014 Mobbies Blog and Social Media Competition. Yay! Thank you everyone!

I have never been nominated in any competition as such, especially for my writings, and I’m extremely thankful for all of you who were active in deciding to nominate me under the following three categories: Best Label Defying Blog, Best Music Blog, and Best Personal Blog.

Mobbies Logos

This competition is sponsored by the Baltimore Sun and the Creative Alliance, LLC.

I love to write, though I didn’t always know that. Doc’s Castle Media opened my eyes to my talents. I always knew I had a knack for ideas because I always owned a composition notebook or sketchbook full of thoughts since the age of 10. But to really take an active role in blogging or any kind of journalism, my mind wasn’t with it until it was made one of my duties to complete while working for an internship. I strongly opposed the idea of being a journalist my entire 4 years attending high school. I guess now, I’ve made myself out to be a liar because look at my site! It’s 3 years going strong with over 300 blog posts. I write like a journalist and I do it a lot!

I write because I believe that my voice matters. I believe that my thoughts and feelings about things carry value. My whole purpose for creating a blog was to use my words to influence others to do something meaningful in their lives. Each day, I ponder the possibilities of that actually happening. Seeing that people took the time to nominate me has shown me that my purpose might be working. Apparently, I offer something you all like.

I often talk to people while I’m out in the streets of Baltimore or while on Facebook, and people compliment me on my commitment and dedication to continue writing about what’s happening around the city from a unique and entertaining perspective. I appreciate that plenty of you take notice. I’m even more grateful to hear that many of you read on a consistent basis. It’s still weird getting this type of attention from writing freely. But I love you all more each day as you continue to support me and share my thoughts with the world! It drives me more…like really, I’m so motivated to keep doing this.


As I’m busting my tail to provide something unique and special for you all, please do me the favor in voting for me, just as you all nominated me, in this year’s annual Mobbies Blog and Social Media Competition. It’d mean a lot to me if I could actually win in any of the categories I’m nominated for.

Below is the link to the directions for voting for the nominees in the 2014 Mobbies. Please register with one of your social media accounts and vote for Doc’s Castle Media!


Vote Now


Vote NOW


As 2015 slowly approaches, Doc’s Castle Media looks to include a few new additions to the website. I’m counting on my readers to offer me some new suggestions for what you all think can make Doc’s Castle Media a little better. Please leave your feedback and concerns in the comments below as I’ll review all of them carefully. Hopefully I’ll get some very good suggestions that’ll spice the site up.

Have you read Doc’s Castle Media submission for the Editor’s Pick in the 2014 Mobbies Competition? Read Hopping on that Train Back to 1990s on Doc’s Castle Media.

Hopping On That Train Back to 1990s

Not too far in the distant past rested a decade where a lovely young writer was born. That young writer’s name was Taylor, know to many of you as Doc. The decade was the 1990s. Oh, how I miss my childhood years so much.

I may have literally been a baby growing up during this decade, but there are so many things I’ve experienced as a child growing alongside a mature family, I think I can luster up at least 3 things a lot of people my age and older may relate to that we all might miss. So here they are, the things I want to bring back from my years of retro.

My favorite things I’d bring from the 90s would be…

Music has always had my heart, man.

The Box

The best music channel in the world is of the past. Forget about MTV. The Box was the best because they played variety with little to no commercials and absolutely no teen pregnancy shows. MTV has always been a little picky with what they wanted on there channel, in regards to music, and always remained mainstream. When The Box was around music lovers could see their favorite underground artists if they wanted. Of course, the music industry was very different then. But what I loved the most about The Box was the option to see what music videos were coming on next during the music breaks. WHY DON’T THEY DO THIS ANYMORE?!

Equivalent to The Box today, we have MTV Jams and MTV University, which can be found if you have Verizon Fios or Comcast Xfinity. These channels are “okay.” But I prefer a more organic and original feel for music. Too much of the same thing turns me off, so you can imagine how much time I spend watching either channel. If MTV Jams and MTV University were combined, they’d probably scratch the surface, but only the surface. Can we please bring The Box back?

The Cassette


I use to listen to the radio all day just to catch my favorite song to record on an audio cassette, and not just any audio cassette. When I didn’t have a blank tape available, I would rummage through my room to find an old “storybook” tape, which originally had Disney bedtime stories on it, and shoved some notebook paper in the top holes, close to where the tape could be found, so I could re-record over its boring stories. Talk about desperate to get a song! My only issue doing this was the radio dj talking through the tracks and the unwanted radio edits. If it wasn’t a Ludacris or DMX song, I’d hate to not hear what the artist was really saying. The struggles of downloading music was too real then. But it was worth it.

Now, life has made it easier to hear my favorites anytime I want. I can simply go to Soundcloud and YouTube with a swipe and click of a finger on my phone. Just type it into the search box and voilà, it’s there! But I do miss the struggles of getting my song from the radio. I knew every song that was played on air.

I’m a cartoon fanatic!

Saturday Morning Cartoons


Remember waking up early on the weekends to watch cartoons like Johnny Quest, Goosebumps, Bobby’s World, or Digimon Digital Monsters? I use to dread getting up in the morning for school during the week. But when Saturday rolled around, I was up watching cartoons right on time while I ate breakfast. Cartoons from my past could be the reason I’m so animated today because I still watch them. I recently rewatched the entire first seasons of Jackie Chan Adventures and Digimon Digital Monsters on Netflix. All it did was make me upset that I had to get ready for work later that day.

I feel so bad for kids today. They don’t get to have that Saturday morning experience like I had. The moment the clock struck noon, I was already outside hanging with my friends afterwards. Of course, going outside is another thing kids don’t experience, but that’s another story. On top of not having the Saturday morning cartoons to wake up to, kids rarely have a good variety of cartoons to choose from. Broadcast networks like The CW, FOX, and CBS rarely show cartoons, unless it’s the holidays. Plus, Every time I’m channel surfing the tv guide, I find marathons of the same cartoons running for hours on cable networks. It was never like that while growing up on 90s cartoons. There were too many that needed to be aired.

There is so much more that I can talk about that I’d bring back from the 1990s. But this blog post would be entirely too lengthy. So I literally shared with you the first three things that came to mind. Haha! What do you think you’d bring back from the 90s? Let me know in the comments below.

ALSO, this post is part of a local blogger competition The Mobbies, sponsored by Baltimore Sun and Creative Alliance. I’ve been nominated for three categories: Best Music Blog, Best Personal Blog, and Best Label Defying Blog. Thanks, Guys!

Voting begins November 3rd! I’d like to ask all my loyal readers to please add this date to your calendars to participate in the voting process and visit this link when voting begins, Baltimore Mobbies.  Thanks for all for always reading! I have to do something special for y’all.

The HashTag That Lasted All Week: #ImSoBaltimore

Is it over yet?

For the past two days, I’ve watched my city shine with pride as people participating in a game online through their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. My online friends shared memories of growing up in Baltimore by posting photos and statuses about moments they remember while living in Baltimore under the #hashtag #ImSoBaltimore.


I recall there being other hashtags, like #ImSoDC and #ImSoHarlem. But because majority of my time lines are recipients of Baltimore City, I rarely saw those posts. So like a throwback Thursday turned into an entire week of nostalgia, I was swimming in Baltimore pride all week.

Just the other day, we complained about how we hated where we were from. Two weeks ago, we screamed of how no one will ever make it out of this city with the lack of support from other people who live here. But what I see, with the addition of support from people who attended Artscape, we’ve gain quite a supportive presence by showing our pride in where we come while simply posting statuses about things done in and only in our city.

I spent most of my Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday liking other people’s posts, thinking to myself: I remember doing that or saying I wish that place never went out of business. We aren’t just the home of the Wire. We’re more. We just needed to let others know for a sec.

I miss Baltimore the way everyone remembered it. We talked about it like we don’t do these memorable activities anymore. It opened up my eyes into looking for new memories to capture while I continue to live here. Although, I already have started picking up the habit of doing things that can only be experienced here, I hope that others developed that sense to do the same. We can create more of these Baltimore memories.

Check out some of the things people said while participating in this week’s popular #hashtag. (All these status updates were taken from my Facebook time line. These were not submitted to me. I simply stumbled across them.)





We had a few downers who complained about this online burst of  Baltimore pride, of course. It never fail to have someone representing that “crab-in-a-barrel” mentality. I’m glad someone chose to speak up about it, though.


IKR! Just log out because it’s not over yet. Baltimore for life! We’re SO BALTIMORE!

What are some of your memories about Baltimore? Share some in the comments below.

Did you participate in the #TwitterPurge? Read WTF #TwitterPurge on Doc’s Castle Media.

YTube Vid of the Week: If Black People Said The Stuff White People Say

Sometimes I wonder do people actually think before speaking. Someone can tell if you didn’t. This week’s YTube Vid of the Week is a comedy of Black people saying things that white people may say to Blacks that just seems plain retarded questions to ask. There may not be such a thing as a dumb question, but there is such a thing as questionable questions. In this video there is a plethora of those.


What can you do when someone asks you something like the questions in this video but ask another question back? Some of these things mentioned will make you turn your head in curiosity because you’ll wonder Do white people really ask questions like this. Uhh, yeah. I personally get rhetorical questions about my hair.

Why do you think we never say anything about these crazy, and my opinion sometimes ignorant, questions? Do you think it’s because we don’t want to be labeled as an “unruly black person?” Leave your comments below.

Did you watch last week’s YTube Vid of the Week? Watch Kids React to Gameboy on Doc’s Castle Media.

WTF?!?! #TwitterPurge (Rant)

So on July 19, 2014, I was surfing my Twitter timeline, as always, and I couldn’t help but notice an excessive amount of naked women on it! There’s always people reposting pictures exposing women on my timeline. (I don’t know what’s wrong with these horny people.) But last night was just ridic.


Who decided to start the hashtag #twitterpurge? It’s just really inappropriate and embarrassing to watch people take part in such nonsense. If you’ve missed it, #TwitterPurge is when people post nude photos of people they may or may not know, exposing them entirely to the public. That’s pretty much it. There were even memes that emerged from people’s participation in last night’s popular hashtag fiasco.

I was embarrassed more for the people who chose to uncover what should have been sacred for many of those people who were exposed. I’m sure the people who were in those photographs trusted the person responsible for posting their naked selfies at some point of their lives. There has to be over a thousand folks “beafing” with each other after last night. That could have been easily avoided. Now I suspect there’s more tension in the atmosphere that doesn’t need to be there.

What the hell does this #twitterpurge have to do with the film that was released this past Friday in theaters? There’s no relation at all. I wonder what producers are thinking after witnessing a popular hashtag take complete control over the idea of what the purge is because I know it has nothing to do with people sending photos of other folks. Are the producers scrambling to save their box office sales because of a group of teens unknowingly sabotaging their general idea, or will there be an increase in box office sales today? Will producers have to hear the mouths of thousands of angry parents? Sheesh, I would hate to work on their PR team now.  

Purge Anarchy

The purge is said to have started by a group of teens in Santa Clarita Valley in Los Angeles under a page named “SCV Purge.” The page encouraged teens to send nude photos to the account. After the account attracted 3,000 followers, it must have started a chain reaction because there was another Twitter account created that also accepted nudes. This #twitterpurge can be compared to the thousands of Instagram and Facebook pages made to do the exact same thing, tarnish the reputation of it’s teenage victims. All I do is shake my head at it’s disgrace.

This is the first time I’m choosing to address this “social media pornography” but I see it happens often. Sooner or later, we’ll be desensitized from it and learn to accept these pop-up pages. It’s like the children of our future show no remorse for others. Their ruining other people’s lives for laughs and giggles and I’m sitting in awe. I wonder how society will try to intervene in trying to take control of an issue like this.

What do you think? In what ways do you believe society will grab a handle of this type of indecent exposure? Leave your comments below.

For those people who are convinced that The Purge Anarchy is about naked people, here’s the trailer to fix those assumptions. We can’t have you judging whether to see a movie based of your experiences on Twitter.


YTube Vid of the Week: Morning Hacks to Start Your Day

“The early bird catches the worm” may be one of my most favorite phrases to say. I wake up saying the quote each morning to keep me motivated in completing my daily tasks. Sometimes I may slip up but what brings me back to tackling my duties is that quote, which is my daily Tweet on Twitter that many of my followers Retweet as motivation for themselves. I like helping keep others stay motivated, and as they’re motivated by that morning quote, they’re bing backs become my Popeye’s spinach.

BuzzFeed presents a youtube video which gives people a plethora of other motivating hacks to starting their day the productive and right way. If you’re caught doing these things, you might just be a morning person.

Do you do any of these hacks as your kick start your morning routine? Leave your comments below.

See last week’s YTube Vid of the Week: April Fools Best Pranks of 2014 on Doc’s Castle Media.

Be Rich Every Morning, Then Broke Every Night

If you were given $84,600 every morning, how would you spend your day, knowing that you had to use it by the time the day was up?

This video starring successful graphic designer Elvis De Leon has been circulating the Internet inspiring people to make the best out of their lives. He explains with an estimate of that much money being given to him, he’d spend his day making it his best! Come on, why waste it? Every minute of your life should matter.

If I was given that much money on a consistent basis, I’d give a lot of it to my loved ones. I’d also quit my job if I was guaranteed that amount everyday. What’s the point of working anymore?! Doc’s Castle Media would be bomb, though! There would be so many changes. I wish this could happen now.

What would you do? Leave your comments below.

But They’re Selling clothes?

Can you believe all this hype around this video is really so you could catch a glimpse of their clothes?

To give you a little background, this video’s been circulating the Internet because it’s “said” to be a mini documentary of 10 people randomly being put together to kiss for the first time. No one knows each other in this little film. But they all kiss and eventually their awkwardness turns into something romantic like some mushy chick flick.

Yup, mentioned on Slate, the video was so beautiful because people in the video were all staged models! It’s fake.

Actually, it’s an advertisement for clothes, and most of these strangers are professional performers who are experienced in acting out love, sex, and intimacy for crowds. The cast includes models Natalia Bonifacci, Ingrid Schram, and Langley Fox (daughter of actress Mariel Hemingway and sister of model Dree); musicians Z Berg of The Like, Damian Kulash of OK Go, Justin Kennedy of Army Navy, singer Nicole Simone, and singer-actress Soko (who also performed the melancholy indie music that accompanies the short); and actors Karim Saleh, Matthew Carey, Jill Larson, Corby Griesenbeck, Elisabetta Tedla, Luke Cook, and Marianna Palka. Is it really unexpectedly touching that when gorgeous and charismatic Italian models, French actors, indie band leaders, and Hollywood royalty get together to kiss one another—under a soundtrack that prompts, “If you’re not ready for love, how can you be ready for life?”—the results are “beautiful”?


Though it was fake, don’t you slightly wish it was real? I want to meet someone who’d really live that kind of spontaneous lifestyle. That person’s probably extremely fun to be around. The life of the party.

How do you feel about this video being totally staged? Do you like any of the clothes? Leave comments below.

YTube Vid of the Week: The Single Life- The Science Of Love

I’ve been thinking lately how I live in a generation full of people who’ll choose to stay single before taking the risks of being in a relationship. I don’t understand why that happens. I don’t understand why people put themselves into “situationships” instead of taking a chance with dating or moving on into the next step after dating. I have this belief that people are afraid of progression because their worried about what others think of them. That’s not cool.


I found this video that made me feel so liberated though I’m not seeking this type of liberation. I mean, I’m single because of some of the same reasons the cast in this video are single. But I can’t say I don’t take risks. I’ve been in enough relationships. I just need a break. Ha-ha!

SoulPancake is this cool channel that does mini experimentations explaining reasons for people to live a better live. I’m assuming to make your soul feel good. Maybe some people of this generations should check this video out and take a risk today. You’ll feel better.

Do you agree with this video? Would you say this could help your current situationship? Leave your comments below.

Watch our last YTube Vid of the Week: GTA5 is Boring on Doc’s Castle Media.