Hopping On That Train Back to 1990s

Not too far in the distant past rested a decade where a lovely young writer was born. That young writer’s name was Taylor, know to many of you as Doc. The decade was the 1990s. Oh, how I miss my childhood years so much.

I may have literally been a baby growing up during this decade, but there are so many things I’ve experienced as a child growing alongside a mature family, I think I can luster up at least 3 things a lot of people my age and older may relate to that we all might miss. So here they are, the things I want to bring back from my years of retro.

My favorite things I’d bring from the 90s would be…

Music has always had my heart, man.

The Box

The best music channel in the world is of the past. Forget about MTV. The Box was the best because they played variety with little to no commercials and absolutely no teen pregnancy shows. MTV has always been a little picky with what they wanted on there channel, in regards to music, and always remained mainstream. When The Box was around music lovers could see their favorite underground artists if they wanted. Of course, the music industry was very different then. But what I loved the most about The Box was the option to see what music videos were coming on next during the music breaks. WHY DON’T THEY DO THIS ANYMORE?!

Equivalent to The Box today, we have MTV Jams and MTV University, which can be found if you have Verizon Fios or Comcast Xfinity. These channels are “okay.” But I prefer a more organic and original feel for music. Too much of the same thing turns me off, so you can imagine how much time I spend watching either channel. If MTV Jams and MTV University were combined, they’d probably scratch the surface, but only the surface. Can we please bring The Box back?

The Cassette


I use to listen to the radio all day just to catch my favorite song to record on an audio cassette, and not just any audio cassette. When I didn’t have a blank tape available, I would rummage through my room to find an old “storybook” tape, which originally had Disney bedtime stories on it, and shoved some notebook paper in the top holes, close to where the tape could be found, so I could re-record over its boring stories. Talk about desperate to get a song! My only issue doing this was the radio dj talking through the tracks and the unwanted radio edits. If it wasn’t a Ludacris or DMX song, I’d hate to not hear what the artist was really saying. The struggles of downloading music was too real then. But it was worth it.

Now, life has made it easier to hear my favorites anytime I want. I can simply go to Soundcloud and YouTube with a swipe and click of a finger on my phone. Just type it into the search box and voilà, it’s there! But I do miss the struggles of getting my song from the radio. I knew every song that was played on air.

I’m a cartoon fanatic!

Saturday Morning Cartoons


Remember waking up early on the weekends to watch cartoons like Johnny Quest, Goosebumps, Bobby’s World, or Digimon Digital Monsters? I use to dread getting up in the morning for school during the week. But when Saturday rolled around, I was up watching cartoons right on time while I ate breakfast. Cartoons from my past could be the reason I’m so animated today because I still watch them. I recently rewatched the entire first seasons of Jackie Chan Adventures and Digimon Digital Monsters on Netflix. All it did was make me upset that I had to get ready for work later that day.

I feel so bad for kids today. They don’t get to have that Saturday morning experience like I had. The moment the clock struck noon, I was already outside hanging with my friends afterwards. Of course, going outside is another thing kids don’t experience, but that’s another story. On top of not having the Saturday morning cartoons to wake up to, kids rarely have a good variety of cartoons to choose from. Broadcast networks like The CW, FOX, and CBS rarely show cartoons, unless it’s the holidays. Plus, Every time I’m channel surfing the tv guide, I find marathons of the same cartoons running for hours on cable networks. It was never like that while growing up on 90s cartoons. There were too many that needed to be aired.

There is so much more that I can talk about that I’d bring back from the 1990s. But this blog post would be entirely too lengthy. So I literally shared with you the first three things that came to mind. Haha! What do you think you’d bring back from the 90s? Let me know in the comments below.

ALSO, this post is part of a local blogger competition The Mobbies, sponsored by Baltimore Sun and Creative Alliance. I’ve been nominated for three categories: Best Music Blog, Best Personal Blog, and Best Label Defying Blog. Thanks, Guys!

Voting begins November 3rd! I’d like to ask all my loyal readers to please add this date to your calendars to participate in the voting process and visit this link when voting begins, Baltimore Mobbies.  Thanks for all for always reading! I have to do something special for y’all.

#NewBaltimore Or #OldBaltimore? We’re All Crabs!

It’s official. I’m convinced that the entire Baltimore hip-hop scene is confused about what creating a “New Baltimore” should be about.

This post was originally meant to be a recap of #NewBaltimore2, an artist showcase event that took place last Saturday in Baltimore. But that obviously changed as the event, itself, changed unexpectedly. The event was scheduled to be from 7:30 pm to 3:00 am, but ended up shutting down approximately around 12:15 am, leaving some music fans disappointed that they didn’t see who they were anticipating to watch perform that evening. BUT that’s not what I want to highlight in this blog. I want to talk about the event’s mission and if it was truly met this weekend.


This was the second #NewBaltimore event. The first event was held around the same time last year and sponsored by the same people, DaCornerStore. I attended both events and have stated my opinion for both via social media. I will NOT be discussing how I’ve been scolded for my opinion on both events. I will say that people’s decision to attack me further pushes me to write why I believe we’re all still crabs looking for an exit from the rusted old barrel.

But as this topic of New Baltimore vs. Old Baltimore starts buzzing in the ears of people here, I want to emphasize my stance on the topic as a supporter of all art that comes from my fellow Baltimoreans. I attend all art events big or small; exclusive to the public or open to the public. I do not look to discriminate. I’m simply there to practice my art like many others who go to these artsy shows. I support everyone because I’m tired of this city’s talent being continuously overlooked. We deserve some recognition!

First, I want to say how proud I am of the turnout for #NewBaltimore2. There had to be around 200 people who showed up to support good music. I was even more proud to hear people in the crowd singing the lyrics to some of these artists music. It was all love and there was a lot of it. That’s something different from what I usually see while attending shows. I applaud the promoters for that.

So what’s circulating about this “New Baltimore,” (& I’m going off of what I’ve heard from talking to other artists on Twitter and Facebook) #NewBaltimore is here to provide a platform for the new, younger generation of artists, in Baltimore, as opposed to the older generations or vets in the city’s scene, who are said to have more chances and opportunities for their music be heard.

All of Sunday, I watched a few of the younger artists in Baltimore expressed their concerns, openly over Facebook, about how they’re not having the opportunity to “shine” alongside veteran artists due to a lack of support from those who throw, plan, and promote hip-hop events. Some say promoters are bias when choosing who to include in showcases and its unfair that they aren’t getting support similar to the veterans. But I say, this shouldn’t be a thought in anyone’s mind, at this point, because we all aren’t shit. (Excuse my French) But I believe it’s this state of thinking that’s causing a huge ruckus about what’s happening today. It’s when people dislike seeing other’s doing better than them that they make this artsy thing become a competition when in reality no one’s even signed to a major record label.

The controversy that comes with #NewBaltimore starts with its title as it points to the attention of something new happening within Baltimore. But what’s really new? I didn’t know that #NewBaltimore was meant to be a door for the newcomers to break into Baltimore’s hip-hop scene, rather than being about the attitude of people in this city, which is what we should be focusing on.


Everyone’s attitude is the same. We’ve proven this Saturday that we’re crabs, still, because why is it that we show up to this showcase and not the other numerous showcases in Baltimore that has new talent each day. Did we really come to hear some good new music or was it the names on the flyer that drew us in? Were we, as artists, really there to check out the competition because these performers have reserved spots in a show while some of us in the audience aren’t? Some of us only get to perform one song at Love and Hip-hop Open Mic Night held at St. Mary’s Restaurant.

The attitude of local artists has to change if we’re seeking to be recognized. ALL artists need to reframe from placing themselves on pedestals and for once, in this hard knock city, and learn to truly support. Aren’t you tired of lagging behind other cities’ reputations as society portrays them to be places of progression when we have an abundance of fresh new sounds right in our backyard and the potential to be as great as the people who come out of Atlanta, LA and New York?

Come on, now. Majority of the people at #NewBaltimore have made some dent in the hip hop scene here. So I asked myself this question when I left. “Taylor, when’s the last time you’ve seen any of these people at an open mic? If they claim they love hip hop so much, why is it so hard to support someone else’s event? Why are they showing up because they know who’s throwing this event instead of celebrating the art?” I have not seen one person that I saw at #NewBaltimore at any other open mic in Baltimore. Eargasim, Monumental Mondays, Be Free Fridays, Love and Hip-Hop, the list goes on and these venues are ghost towns each week. Answer that! We’re not encouraging the artist at these events. We’re not pushing for something new.

I guess #NewBaltimore really opened my eyes to how many crabs we’re dealing with, even with the entire city knowing we’re stuck in a barrel. It’s not people who aren’t artist we should worry about getting to these show. First, we need to worry about living the lifestyles we glorify and speak of. We need to be changing our attitudes and supporting talented people regardless of their names. We need to come together, then encourage others to come out to support.

But I’m just a blogger and my words have no value because I’m not an artists myself. At least that’s what some of these new artist say. I’m just tired of writing about the same thing. Seven months later, I’m still saying Baltimore Is Too “Cliqued” Up to Have Supporters. I shouldn’t be scolded for what I’m observing. My observations aren’t far-fetched. There isn’t a new Baltimore, not yet. We still have time to create it.

But what do you think? Am I wasting my breath? Will we ever escape this barrel? Will the newcomers and the vets come together? Will artist support these other showcases around the city? Let me know in the comments below.

Have you read my last music highlight? Read Music Highlight: Quinn Shabaz’s Day One ft. Jimmy Apoet & Leon Dominick on Doc’s Castle Media.

The Current Generation Doesn’t Take Part In Civil Rights Movements Because…

In the awakening of the protests that have taken place across the nation over the course of these past few weeks, I’ve seen opinions from different people all over the “interweb” about whether people should participate in the cause to stop police brutality. I have some opinions, myself, on such a subject.

At my nine-to-five job, I speak to older people often about the justifications for why younger generations choose not to participate in civil rights movements or protests. They are astonished at my answers but they agree with my assumptions quite often. So I made a list explaining why I feel the younger generation doesn’t put much effort in protesting in causes similar to Michael Brown’s.


1.) This generation is selfish and lazy.

If we can’t even make the choice to be in a monogamous relationship and stop glorifying side pieces, how are we able to commit to a few protests. It’s sad to say but really, how are we able to be positive if even the intimate situations are left unanswered? If we aren’t loyal to our own culture by not participating in genocide, how are can we march together? We also look for quick solutions because we’re too lazy to search for what will truly help. How can we organize a successful protest without passion for helping someone else, or without the urge to help?

2.) They don’t see protesting as often as previous generations so it’s hard to justify the reason for why they should do it. This generation is sort of “privileged” because we never had to march for the chance to be including in something “white america” has for themselves. Racism is still prevalent today but the difference between then and now is racism is a secret to majority of the white culture. It’s so secret that white people who look past color differences often look at black people’s complaints about racism as “nagging.” This generation turns a blind eye to racist acts, and when they do that, there isn’t further action for stopping hate crimes when they do happen.

3.) There isn’t a civil rights leader to lead this generation.

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X are icons of the past. This generation looks up to Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Kanye West to be influenced to do something. I have yet to see either one of them do anything in support of the people protesting in Ferguson for Michael Brown. I think it sucks that what these artists think can influence other people’s thoughts and actions, especially when it comes to Kanye. People feed off this man’s negativity more than the positive. Now tell me, how would this country react if Kanye decided to be a civil rights leader. We need someone to provoke greatness in our culture, not meaningless idiocy.

5.) They’re unaware of what’s happening in the community.

This generation doesn’t read or watch the news unless it’s about entertainment. To add to that, the media also pushes the same stories 50 times like people didn’t hear it 30 times from a different media outlet. What happened to promoting awareness. I think we’re well informed about how great the 2014 VMA’s went. Let’s get back to what’s tearing this country apart.

6.) They don’t believe that anything will change.

Majority of this generation thinks negatively before looking at the positive in a situation. Just look at our Instagrams. There are thousands of memes that are used to describe our feelings about certain things. I see majority of memes that have negative undertones. I have people on my social networks who live by “twitter logic.” If they keep pushing negativity,  who’s to say they’ll change?  It takes strength to change. Can we say this generation is strong?

I don’t participate in every movement created in remembrance of Michael Brown. Not every cause is in favor of everyone. This week I was invited to participate in a protest that, in my opinion, doesn’t support the cause  for equality at all. Have you heard of the Blackout Monday protest?


Blackout Monday is doing the exact opposite of fighting for equality! How are we working to become a better nation if we’re telling people not to support businesses because they are in support of “the system” (whatever the hell that is). Last time I checked, all of America owes other countries a piece of our shares. Everyone needs a little money to support their love ones. Why jeopardize how someone survives based off what’s currently happening? What is the reason for seizing shopping at stores that employ blacks or other minorities? What is one day shopping at Black own businesses going to do? If you’re going to support blacks, why let it be for one day?

So if I don’t shop at Best Buy or Wal-Mart on Monday, September 8, 2014 and support black businesses in America, we’ll be better as a nation? Somethings wrong with this logic. We should be pushing for EQUALITY and not aiming to be further SEGREGATED.

It wasn’t too long ago we chanted how we wanted change while Barack Obama ran for president. One man can’t do it. Let all generations come together to change. Let all people come together to change. Let’s stop talking about change and really change this time!

We should all be leaning on the proposition that we need a leader to point us in the right direction for making a change. There are too many people with multiple opinions inflicting their morals on others. Not everyone’s morals are for the good. We need someone like Martin Luther King Jr., someone who’s going to speak of protesting in peace and unity because the rioting in Ferguson is doing the opposite of what we’re expecting to change.

What do you think? Why do you think the younger generations don’t participate in protests? Leave your comments below.

Did you participate in the online protest in honor of Michael Brown? Read The Online Protests In Honor of Those Mistreated By Law Enforcers: #IfTheyGunnedMeDown on Doc’s Castle Media.

Freedom of the Press? NOT! Is This The Beginning of Losing Our Freedom of Speech?

What’s going on in America!?

I hope you’re keeping up with what’s happening in Ferguson because it’s definitely becoming a huge eye opener for me. Reporters Ryan Reilly and Westley Lowery, who were once onlookers for the rallies happening in St. Louis, are officially victims to police brutality of the protests. What’s happening to the first amendment? What’s happening to freedom of speech.firstamendment3

As a journalist, the attacks and arrest of these two reporters mean something to me. When I decided to start Doc’s Castle Media, my purpose was because it gave me a voice. My opinions were heard because people genuinely cared about what I had to say. I viewed the ability to put words on paper as something powerful because it can provoke actions in others. So the first amendment means the most to me because that’s my protection for the power I have to voice my opinions. I should be able to do that without the betrayal of my government. I’m aspiring to cover stories as big Michael Brown, some day. What happens to my future if incidents, like those that Reilly and Lowery find themselves in, started happening on a regular basis?

This is obviously a serious matter. Cities all over the nation are participating protest to send messages to police forces over the country. As these protest were held in cities big and small, photos were shared on our social media sites creating an ongoing online protest, as well. We are really trying to get our points across, and we shouldn’t stop until we know that our voices are being heard.

We can’t keep brushing what’s happening around the United States off. Since the people in our country has a sudden interest in internet challenges, I challenge you to a new one. If what’s happening in America is deeply hitting you close to home, I challenge you to get up and do something about it! Whether it be creating a basket for those who’ve lost someone due to police brutality or writing a positive message on your Facebook, share good spirits and a kind heart during this time that our country needs us the most, and believe that what you do can make a difference. Spreading positivity and love is the only way to save our country from all this pain.

We need ideas to help create a better America! What can we do to spread positivity to those who are hurting right now? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Are you participating in the popular hash-tag IfTheyGunnedMeDown on your social media sites? Read The Online Protest In Honor of Those Mistreated By The Law Enforcers: IfTheyGunnedMeDown on Doc’s Castle Media.

The Online Protest In Honor of Those Mistreated By Law Enforcers: #IfTheyGunnedMeDown

People have taken to social media, again, to talk about concerns revolving what’s happening in the news and on our timelines this week. Popular hash-tag #IfTheyGunnedMeDown brewed up controversy as folks participating in an online rally/protest against the media’s decision of choosing an image that negatively represents the characters of black people. It kick off with the misrepresentation of Michael Brown, a young black male who was fatally shot in St. Louis by police this week.

michael brown

The story of Michael Brown is a very sad one. A young man, who did nothing wrong at the time of his attempted arrest, was slaughter in front of a community and left in the street for hours before officials decided to clear the scene. The police decision to leave Brown hours after the shooting nearly provoked a riot between people in the neighborhood and the law enforcers. As the week continues to play out, protests emerge as and all I have to say about this is why are blacks still having this battle to be treated fairly?! Why do we continue to be labeled as a group of people who don’t deserve the same level of respect as whites?! We’re all human.

Growing up being black, I can’t help but ask “why does the media choose to publicize our worse?” There is so much good that’s being done by black people.  But we have to dig deep into the underground media to see those who are doing good deeds. We have to go out of our way to hear positive things because what’s flashing in front of us doesn’t tell the truth about what’s happening in our communities. As the world watches these videos of police brutality acts towards black people, blacks must remember that they aren’t what society portray them as. They have the potential to be great no matter how much the world tries to manipulate their thoughts into believing they can’t. It’s pure ignorance to allow the media to choose the worst in deciding what will represent us as a group of people. You see what they’ve done with Michael Brown!

This hash-tag is something everyone should take part in as were watching what’s happening in St. Louis. What will the media portray me as if I was shot?


I’m more than judgements. Everyone deserves to be heard. So if you’re more than what on the exterior and more than what people judge you as, post a picture using the hash-tag #IfTheyGunnedMeDown to show the media that they must stop making us look ignorant. Stop treating us like we’re derogatory creatures. We help build this country to be what it is today like everyone else who lives here. We shouldn’t have to remind the world about it.

Share some of your #IfTheyGunnedMeDown posts with us. Post them to our comments. Leave your mark as someone who deserves a chance.

Will we have a voice?! Read Will Blacks Have to Wait Another 100 Years? on Doc’s Castle Media.

What’s Love Got To Do With It

I recently watched the movie What’s Love Got To Do With It starring Angela Bassett, and I never realize how accurate the film was until I took the time out to analyze how real situations in people’s love lives over power their decision-making process. Have you ever come across someone who’s accepting of so much distress from one person only to find out it’s because they “love” this individual entirely too much?

ike and tina

People choose to stick with the wrong people a little too often.

When the bad outweighs the good in someones relationship, it becomes hard for me to comprehend why someone would stick around with another person for long periods of their life. If the heartache outweighs the happiness, what kind of repayment are you receiving after investing your time to this one person? I don’t get it.

In What’s Love Got To Do With It, Tina Turner was caught up in some warp spell with Ike Turner. No matter how shitty he treated her, she stuck around because she loved him. This man yelled at her over simple issues, beat her when he felt she was disrespectful, he basically treated her like she was his pet, in a way. This guy even raped her. What the hell was keeping her around?!

It’s sad the reality of a situation like Ike and Tina’s. So many others go through it everyday because of the fear of having to start over with someone new. I say screw that! That’s not a reason to refuse to leave a bad place in your life. What’s love got to do with it if you’re getting disrespected everyday dealing with this “love.” To me, it’s not love at all. It’s simply fear and confusion. The fear of stepping out on someone they’re obviously confused about.

domestic violence

Are you aware of what’s right and wrong in your relationship?

Communication is key in every relationship so why not address what the correct things are for the both of you in your relationship. Who likes what? Who believes getting beat is what happens in a relationship? From day one,a person’s wants and needs should be hashed out in a mature conversation with their significant other. Maybe not the first date, but while both parties are getting to know what they like. They’ll truly be spending their time getting to know someone they should care about.

Later when the both parties have spent so much time getting to know each other, they’ll be put in a better position to be happy with each other. If a person is unable to communicate their concerns, they won’t comprehend this most important step. Assumptions rule that person’s ability to make rational choices. Sometimes that’s what makes me believe influences someone’s decision to put their hands on another person, through their assumptions and inability to solve problems. Simple communication can fix that.


Know when their time is up!

When is the correct time to know you’re tired? Some people miss the point where they should say, “Look, I’m tired of this happening to me.” Should a person wait until they’re in the hospital while their health is not too great, should they wait until your spirits are sucked from within and they see it’s impossible to move on to something better for themselves. That cannot be me at all.

I’m sorry if I’m coming off a bit passionate about this subject. It’s just when I’m watching TV, why do I have to be reminded of the dumb things I’ve seen at some point in my life. I’ve known people who I’ve seen first hand go through what my generation may call the “Ike Turner.” Ha-ha! It’s no reason to glorify it.

When someone’s time is up, they’ll feel it in their soul and know enough is enough. It’s when that person will finally grab their dignity and say no! They’ve finally gained respect for themselves. They finally love themselves.

Move The F*%# On

So someone’s hand is slapping you across your face. Are you going to hit them back, let it happen with no consequences, or walk away with your dignity in tact. Uhh, I suggest a person to walk away because they’d look really retarded standing there getting hit, giving the permission to another person to continually put their hands on them like the person is above them.

There are billions of people on this earth. Forget that one crummy person who can’t respect someone they claim to love. We don’t bring down others self-esteem over here! We uplift them and this post is meant to uplift another. Rise up from what you’re comfortable in being involved in and change your life around.

Can you name a circumstance where you knew someone was in a bad predicament, like domestic abuse? Share them in the comments below.

Read Petition to Comb Blue Ivy’s Hair on Doc’s Castle Media


So Did Diddy Really Graduate By Not Finishing School?

Today, May 10, 2014, Howard University in Washington DC held their Spring 2014 commencement ceremony for their 2014 graduating class. Congratulations to all those lovely graduates who’ve conquered that major milestone. But what I really want to talk about is Howard University’s decision to choose Sean “P. Diddy” Combs as the honorary graduate for the ceremony.


The debate that’s been circulating since Howard announce that their keynote speaker was Diddy revolved around the idea that he didn’t complete college. But yet, he’s being honored with a doctoral degree in humanities. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Diddy dropped out of school to pursue a career in the music industry. Obviously, he made history making such a big decision for himself.

But the real question is “Does this man deserve to be granted with such an acknowledgement or to even receive this honorary award at all?” People took to Twitter after hearing about the news expressing annoyance towards the school’s decision. One student wrote, “Can someone explain why Diddy, a person who never graduated from Howard, is speaking at graduation?” Another tweeted: “diddy is gonna make the commencement speech at Howard but what is he gonna say. ‘Well I dropped outta here & got rich but good luck (sic).” (Source

Is this the way to react after hearing who’s your graduation keynote speaker? Come on now, it’s Diddy! He’s millions of people’s inspiration because he’s so successful.

I can see the frustration that many people are having with this guy becoming the spokesperson at their graduation. But I believe he deserves this award just as much as any of those graduates sitting in the audience. He graduated from the school of life by experiencing first hand the ends and outs of a dream he took head on. For many, that’s tougher than taking a couple of college courses.


In my post “What I Really Learned While In College,” I share my opinion about how I believe life experiences will teach you more than the classroom setting. It pushes you to learn for yourself and motivates you to do better when its something that you want to do. Sometimes, college is someone’s dream. But we really go to school to learn how to pursue a dream in a career we would enjoy doing maybe for the rest of our lives. So what really wrong with Diddy receiving a reward for achieving a goal he had while attending Howard University?

The real reason for why people are so bummed about this man getting this award is because he didn’t have to pay for all those years of schooling people would normally pay for a doctoral degree. But I say, mind your business because he paid it the right way. He paid by dedicating his time to what he believe is worth it. Anyone who’s going after what they want should be congratulated for perseverance. That’s not easy to do, especially when someones trying to work within a field like the music industry. If many people were granted with degrees for actually going after what they wanted and obtaining the level of success that deserves such recognition, don’t you think people will be more willing to learn more about whatever it takes to get to where they want to go? Knowledge should have never became something we must pay for, anyway.

Diddy made a way for himself to become successful without a structured system, like a university, telling him how to go about doing what he wants. What he did, by dropping out and going after his goals, is how I feel about getting a master’s degree. I believe I can be successful without it because I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get me where I want to be. If someone has the mental strength to achieve, they will.

So what I’m leaving you with is the thought: Is it really necessary to have degree if your field of work doesn’t require you to have one? Tell me in the comments below.

To read about the things I’ve obtained while attending school, read “What I Really Learned While In College” on Doc’s Castle Media.

4/20 But Let’s Not Forget That It’s Easter Sunday

Four-twenty is an unforeseen holiday that I never pictured would have so much of an impact in the United States of America during my lifetime. Even while celebrating Easter Sunday, people will continue to take their puffs of smoke on the herbal drug as celebration for the cannabis culture. Too me, it has always been unpredictable to determine how fast this cannabis movement would develop. While growing up, I always assumed that marijuana would be illegal. As I’m seeing growth in the support to push this “drug” for legalization, I can now make assumptions for when I believe weed will be fully accepted into society. Times are truly changing when something that had such a bad connotation becomes praised in the mainstream media.


I know most of you are probably “waking and baking” this morning as a celebration for 4/20, but who’s celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, today? Every time a group of smokers mentions what day Easter falls on, they’re taking notice that it falls on an important day for them. It’s a smoker’s celebration on the Lord’s day?! “OMG! We’re going to be high at church!” Dang, soberness for the Lord was immediately thrown out of the window. Ha-ha! The hype for 4/20 is officially “off-the-chain” when people are looking to smell like the plant while praising Jesus Christ in church.

The holiday which should have rightful ownership is Easter. It’s the day we we’re all promises life after death. The celebration has been apart of people’s lives since the beginning of time. Why should it change now? Well that’s what I believe. I’m a christian. My day is starting with the Bible not a blunt because I respect my Lord first before some cigarillo full of weed. I glorify his blessing for dying for me before the blessing of the “natural” plant to my lungs, which over the years the plant has been manipulated by man to give an extra kick of THC for your body, so is it really all that natural? I will not forget about Jesus this day.


I know many other people won’t forget about him this day. I just hope the respect for God isn’t lost in your festivities today. You may smoke all you want but remember which choice is a true priority in your life; which rules over you? At the end of the day, you should know what is the most important to you. So what will it be?

What are you doing today? Are you waking up to a blunt or a bible? Let me know in the comments below.

Baltimore Is Too “Cliqued” Up To Have Supporters

“If we create a group of strong individuals who’ll support each other, then we’ll create a power house of people that will exceed all expectations. We’ll change this city for the better,” says every person who forms a group full of talented people, expecting it’ll change the turn out of their shows. Womp Womp!


Too many people have this philosophy but in Baltimore it does not work. Content is key. Content is what brings people to an artist’s show! When was the last time you’ve decided to go to Kanye show because he had a power group with him there? The Jay-Z and Kanye power house was damn near three years ago. He’s currently standing alone. People go because of the content of his show.

I recently read an article from Baltimore Blogger Malika Muhummad titled “Why Baltimore Artist Can’t Make A Deal.” Malika talks of how many Baltimore artist lack originality. Why strive to be the next Lil Wayne when artists should be working to make a name for themselves? They should be striving to be unique. She also talks of how people should seek opportunities in the city that allows them to give support. There are multiple open mic events that happen throughout the city all days of the week. There are very few supporters of these events. She goes on to name a few examples. I’ve actually been to a number of 5 Seasons open mic nights, which is one of the example that she gives, and the crowd was dry each time I went, meaning there could have been more people there but it wasn’t. Majority of the crowd were artists waiting for their opportunity to have their shine on the stage.

What I see in Baltimore is a sign of doubt from the people artists hope would support them. Listeners in Baltimore doubt if an artist will bring what they enjoy so they stick to what they know. What they know is what they hear everyday, 24/7, on mainstream media. If a person was to listen to 92Q for the entire day, they’d hear the same 10-15 songs, minus the 12 O’Clock Rewind and the occasional rap songs they play on Rap Attack. Do people ever get tired of that?

When it comes to the individuals who claim they don’t listen to the radio or mainstream music, they continue to support people who have a larger followership than the artists from their hometown. Those artists are clearly closer to mainstream radio than ever. Take the Weeknd, four years ago we would have never heard him being played on the radio. Since Drake featured him on “The Crew,” the Weeknd’s spotlight has been heightened. We hear of him more because of the major support people had for him after that song, seeking his music wherever they could find it and going to his shows. Baltimore artists could have the same happen for them if their supporters became educated listeners. If they’d realized how supporting good content produced here can make talented people from Baltimore be heard on the radio, it’d be a greater selection of music to listen to.


But how I see it is it all begins with the content creators and their attitudes towards this city. Baltimore artists need an opportunity to come together in support of each other first. They need to realize they’re all thinking the same. They must show each other that the outcome doesn’t always have to be the same way. If your purpose is to create a city who supports each other, live by it. Building a crew that supports only the people in that crew, shows selective treatment for that group, not for the city. That clique way of thinking will not work for Baltimore. It may work for other places but not with the unique listeners of this city. It’s better if we seek opportunities to help one another because on-lookers will see what we’re doing and want to be apart of it.

This is a message for every artist for all genres to hear. We must seek out those who deserve support and help them because it’s the only way to gain what this city needs; Artist for artist, blogger for blogger, or poet for poet. Then it should turn into blogger for artist, artist for poet, and poet for blogger. Etc., Etc.. Each time a creator finds someone making a difference in this city, they’ll feel enlightened to be apart of it and that exact feeling will bring in more supporters and a bigger audience for everyone. It won’t be easy, but nothing is that’s worth trying.

With everything being said, let’s stop this clique mess and build upon a new Baltimore city.

To read Malika’s “Why Baltimore Artist Can’t Make A Deal,” click here. To hear great music from Baltimore artist, check out Vivid Visions or AmirahRashidah. Both blog sites take submissions.

If you’re looking to be a music highlight on Doc’s Castle Media, send me stuff. Let’s change the city for the better.

Will Blacks Have To Wait Another 100 Years?

I rarely write creative pieces. I leave that up to my fellow writer C. Davis. But something came over me last night that made me want to write a creative essay expressing thoughts I know lots of people may be having with the verdicts of the Michael Dunn and Jordan Davis case. So I just ran with my pen last night…

With all of these important court cases going on that are potentially racial profiling cases, I’m becoming discouraged about the stance of my black american race. When will we truly be considered equal? Will it take another 100 years of mistreatment to finally get what we deserve?

Two hundred years ago, we celebrated the freedom from the chains of slavery. One hundred years ago, we scream for joy because of our civil rights becoming intact. But must we still fight for what we deserve? Blacks do not have it easy, and if you are not black you will NEVER understand. I’m not just another black person screaming for attention. I am not using my race as a crutch!

They wine because we are still “bickering” over things we STILL do not have. We have no justice! We have no rights to live a smooth, judge-free life years after this law of equality was so-called “blessed” into every black man and woman’s life. It’s sad to think that sometimes I’m glad I don’t have children because if I had them, I wouldn’t want them to experience the awakening truth I’ve experienced when I realized that even in 2014 where we see beautiful black people earn money in professions that we once were unable to have grace our presence in times of extreme hardship, we still cannot live without someone yelling ignorant slander accusing us as being something we are not. “Oh, because he has dreads and gloats after he accomplishes his dream, he must be a thug.” Ignorance!

And where are our Martin Luther King Jr.’s? Where are our Malcolm X’s? They seise to exist in my time though we clearly need them today. Where are our black men and women that’ll lead the way for change? We do not have them. All of these beautiful black celebrities and we don’t have leaders.


Because I am black, it does not mean I’m dumb, I’m useless, I’m unable to achieve. My eagerness to strive has nothing to do with the color that appears on me! Because I’m black, it does not me I’m a hoodrat, I’m ghetto, I’m doing nothing but clubbing every weekend like my life depended on it. Matter of fact, just the other day I saw a white woman doing it. I bet they can’t explain that. But I swear they’d say she’s sick or find another excuse to justify that bitch. This world is sick!

I don’t want to turn it around or play the blame game. If we were all blind, it would not matter one bit. From my knowledge, there are instances about life where race has no discrimination, like love or hate, pain or pleasure, life or death. So why do we bicker like we’re better than the other. We need outlining factors to unite us. Even cancer pulls us together in times of despair. Why must that be our cause? Equality should be enough. Instead, we bully each other and look down upon the kids who do it in schools. Everyone needs a punishment. We’re all bullies! We’re all fools!

Change, and I mean the real kind, is what we need. But it’ll take another 100 years to get it.

Read last week’s creative juices submission, Carmone Salome by Taylor Evans.