I want to put this message in better terms…
Okay, Player published an article “11 Baltimore Rappers You Need To Know” highlighting a few Baltimore artists creating a buzz on social media amongst some creatives in town. I like and agree with the article for the most part. I don’t know what it is. I think whenever artists get credit for working hard, the spirit of jealousy penetrates the souls of crabs in this city. Then there’s a mob of individuals proclaiming entitlement for attention. It’s a never-ending cycle that brings my attention to sharing Baltimore Artist LA’Matic’s tweet addressing Baltimore artists gaining support.
Clubhouse, the popular audio broadcasting social media app, is home to a number of networking groups, and apparently, the place to be if you want to be anything in life. The app’s popularity has users from every nook of the world flocking to rooms for insight on topics ranging from all sorts. Users find this app beneficial for self-development by participating in networks merged into chat rooms that’ll enhance their personal productivity. One of those topics more recently was about the support for Baltimore Creatives which sparked the video rant in LA’Matic’s tweet.
[How Buzzy App Clubhouse Could Grow Beyond Its Exclusive Beta. Read on c|net]
In the feisty clip from the independent rapper, LA’Matic is his sentiments towards the now decades-old phenomenon. Baltimore is a city of crabs and “Baltimore Creatives should stop worrying about how to support and just do it.” His video was met with over 600 retweets at the time of writing this post. So there are plenty of other people who share the same thoughts about the support of this city. The video even influenced a number of conversations amongst artists about their frustration with the topic on Twitter.
It is a specific group of individuals being addressed who attend these Clubhouse meetings. Folks who genuinely do not know how to gain the support they desire or give the support that they wish to see! The creatives who receive encouragement should be better examples showing these folks how to gain the endorsements. There’s nothing wrong with anyone asking how to change the perspective of support in Baltimore. The only way to change it is to actively talk about it and implement an effective strategy on a consistent basis.
Watch LA’Matics Video:
The way to change your environment is to be the change you desire.
Something I heard on a podcast this week.
This is free game to anyone who is genuine to this cause and wouldn’t be ashamed to pass along valuable information. How to show support for independent artists and entrepreneurs is not divine knowledge or an unobtainable holy grail. Often the support we desire is simple things people don’t know they already do to show they’re helping. Instead of leaving someone in their ignorance, it could be more beneficial to just share what’s already free. It’s constructive information that can be found anywhere online.
Doc’s Castle Media has navigated the Baltimore Art Scene and shared opinions about Baltimore’s Crabs in a Barrel mentality since 2014 with blog posts Baltimore is Too “Cliqued” Up to Have Supporters and the Quality vs. Quantity Series, a Baltimore blog series dissecting the reason for the city’s lack of support. I’m always watching and studying the changes in Baltimore’s art culture. So I want to drop a few gems of worthwhile knowledge I’ve gained over the years being a supporter of the arts culture.
Here’s How to Support Independent Artist in Baltimore

Find artists to support and follow them on social media
It begins with having the intention to support Baltimore Creatives. I find new artists in groups I take interest in on social media sites and online art directories. I saturate my social timelines with everything I enjoy from the food I eat to, clothes I wear, and entertainment I watch. I show my support through engagement on the profiles. I invest time in getting involved with what’s being shared, and I only consume what I think is providing me food to my soul and valuable content that makes me feel good. I do not compromise it. It so happens that I do all of this with Baltimore on the brain. A lot of what I see is Baltimore City’s culture. What’s the culture that you see in your social media timelines?
I try my best to not allow social media to control what I see. The powers that be in the algorithm is a major reason why we see what we see. I’m opposed to just being fed information, I’d rather be social with it. I’d rather be social with other creatives like me. Use the tool in your hand to mold your digital environment to take in what you’ll enjoy sponsoring.
The easiest way to find out which Baltimore artist you like is to search for them. Hashtags like #BaltimoreCreatives on Instagram and Twitter are filled with content creations by artists in Baltimore City. #BaltimoreBlogger or #BaltimoreWriters are directories of social influencers from Baltimore sharing content. You can easily pinpoint these hashtags as your starting point for finding new artists. But it begins with taking the initiative to find them and follow them if they pique your interest.
Talk to people about what you love about Baltimore art
Not talking about the art that we love from Baltimore artists might be why so many people claim Baltimore city is the city for crabs. There is a perception that we’re not loud or proud of the artists in the city. But I disagree because I am a walking representation debunking the claim. I attend artists’ exhibitions and listen to local artists’ albums or mixtapes. I’ve used Baltimore photographers, makeup artists, and was even dressed by a local stylist. Guess what, I also write about local artists, too. While I’ve shown my support, I definitely introduced people to excitingly new things they can experience locally. All it takes is forwarding a post or liking a picture when sharing what I love about Baltimore Creatives. Buying a product or service is another way to show and endorse what creatives have to offer. Talking about art from Baltimore opens up new possibilities for Baltimore.
To gain support, you must also give support
This age-old debate about crabs in Baltimore often feels like it’s shouted over a megaphone by Baltimore artists, only. I want to say to those creatives “crabs are found everywhere.” First, these individuals should break out of the thought it’s because of where they are that people don’t want to endorse them. Creatives who think like this feel entitled just because they live in Baltimore. No. No one knows them. No one knows about their art. But their hand is out.
I am an artist in Baltimore with experience in following and supporting numerous other artists in Baltimore. In return, I gained the same support and love from them. This works the same vise versa. If someone shows support for you, you at least give them the day and time, as well.
Eleven new podcasts reached out to me after reading 8 Baltimore Media to Watch for Baltimore Art News. These podcasts took the time to read, share, and provide feedback. In return, I listened, shared, and gave shoutouts to my readers about their content. I’m sure all of us choosing to circulate and speak about each other’s work brought new attention to the content being shared. But it is because we all took the time to show support for each other that we gained exactly what we were looking for.
Don’t feel pressured into showing support
This might be an unpopular opinion but no one should take you on a guilt trip when showing your support for whatever they do. Whether they are from the same city, younger than the average, blacker than the average, or the underdog shooting their shot at their most difficult venture, if you genuinely do not feel that a creative or entrepreneur succeeded in capturing your attention, it’s not necessary to share what they offer. You do not resonate with it. It doesn’t feel good to give support to something you truly are unsure about. When something goes wrong, the consumer is the one who gets burned. Be genuine about what you like.
If you are a creative who struggles with gaining support, maybe think of the things you are doing or not doing to surround yourself with a better support system. Encouragement from the outside takes time the person giving it must be persuaded with the right amount of potential and drive. The right Baltimore Creatives will have these qualities. But if we start with the initiative to change our environment, we must be the change we also desire.
As a supporter of Baltimore arts are you persuaded to help? Drop your favorite Baltimore Artists in the comments below.