Baltimore Artist Contracts Coronavirus on Halloween and Infects 2 Seniors at Owings Mill Red Run Stream Valley Trail (Halloween Recap)

Halloween 2020 is a little different this year because of what’s happening all over the world. People are being more cautious celebrating because of the country’s current status and are uncertain when making decisions navigating how to live during these covid times. Times are crazy and I decided to be a visual representation of what’s causing chaos around the world in 2020.

[Read I Wanted To Be Triggered for Halloween on Doc’s Castle Media]

I dressed as a coronavirus germ this year because it was literally all that was talked about in mainstream culture. I started hearing about Coronavirus towards the end of January before the virus reached the United States. At the time, I wasn’t so sure that disease would reach Americans. It seemed so far removed from my life as Wuhan, China was shut down on the opposite side of the world. Every day I rode public transportation during peak hours to work at the office in Downtown Baltimore. But now, 7 months later, sitting on a packed train never seemed so dangerous in my life.

[Read timeline of how coronavirus got started on ABC News.]

This world being consumed by Covid 19 affects not only human bodily functions. It’s infectious to our everyday lives affecting us in every area and physical function. People are seeking ways of dealing with mental stress and financial hardships. I’ve even seen churches battle with government policy to continue having Sunday service. This disease affects everyone everywhere even if you don’t contract it. 

The holiday season is here. It doesn’t come as a surprise that many people are finally peeking out of their doors to explore the new world. We’re ready to socialize with our friends and family after being quarantined for nearly a year. Sadly, covid cases are still rising. Earlier in the week, American’s were warned of a third Covid 19 surge taking place as predicted. So I chose to be a walking reminder of what’s lurking in our atmosphere ready to penetrate our respiratory systems if we decide to ignore the rising cases.

The makeup artist behind this masterpiece is Nelli from GlambyNelli on Instagram. Nelli is a Baltimore Artist well versed in a multitude of talents but she wow’s us away with this project! I told her my vision and boom! She turned my head into a covid germ and still made me look pretty!

Nelli began taking her Halloween makeup artistry seriously just a year ago in 2019 while doing makeup for family and friends and sharing images of her work on social media. But she’s always had a love for art. While visiting her art studio for my appointment, I found she surrounds herself with inspiration from her own creations. She told me she’s an artist for many years. I learned she’s a makeup artist, painter, and photographer. She absolutely loves creating. I could tell from the creative aura that surrounds her studio.

I was drawn to contacting Nelli for my services after seeing her recreation of the 2009 science fiction film Avatar. The makeup was done so well, the client looked exactly like an actor from the movie. I had to see if she would accept my challenge to make me germy. I believe she had it in her to do it. She definitely succeeded.

Afterward, I went to find a safe socially distanced park where I could take pictures of me infecting others with my germs. It was so funny to hear people murmur to each other their guesses of my costume. “She’s so pretty,” was not what I intended to hear but it’s nice to know that I’m an attractive infectious disease. I continued my stroll through Owings Mills Red Run Stream Valley Trail with CtrlMyCamera taking shots of me jokingly pretending to spoil the other walkers on the trail. 

View more from my Coronavirus photoshoot in the slideshow below. *I do not own the rights to this music. The song is titled Coronavirus by Imarkkeyz on YouTube.*

I hope that people remain cautious while celebrating the holidays this season. These are crazy times we’re living in. We should have empathy for human life during these times as always. Even though it sucks as our more thankful and merriest time of the year approaches, we’re pressured to keep socially distancing. We should remain vigilant in protecting ourselves physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally as best as we can while socially distancing. We can still be there for one another. Humans need to stay connected. But we should be extra cautious and remember what steps to take to remain safe as we visit and spend time with the people we love.

Are dressing up for Halloween? Have you seen any cool costumes? Let me know in the comments below.

#YTubeVidAlert: WAP…Is it even art? (Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion Video Premiere)

Cardi B and Megan the Stallion team up to make another banging single titled WAP, referring to a sexual preference for a women’s vaginae. & I like to just say…Of course, it’s art! But Black Twitter, Facebook, and even daily news site like the Daily Beast would like its part in providing commentary as millions of tweets were published since it’s early August release with pro and con opinions.

Source: Daily Beast

After Megan making headlines for being involved in domestic assault with hip-hop artist Tory Lanez, I assume most people had expectations for other topics for the female rap artist. Even hip-hop artist and producer Cee-Lo Greene chimed in with opinions about the video’s impact amongst younger generations. Maybe people were waiting for her to rap about domestic abuse? But honestly, what did people really expect from Megan or Cardi? With any prior songs that are released from both these rap queens, it seems like WAP is exactly what I was expecting from them. When I’m searching for a song from either of their discography, I’m looking for something that’s going to make me feel like the shit. There’s even an entire playlist on Spotify named “Feeling Myself” dedicated to the genre of hip-hop both Megan and Cardi represents. 

Source: Facebook

Why is women empowerment the subject again?

To me, women’s empowerment is simply people uplifting and helping women live the best versions of their lives. That could be women speaking influence into other women. It could be someone providing support for women financially,  physically,  or spiritually. In the simplest way I can put it, it’s making women feel good about themselves. 

Whether the message presented in this video is worthy of being shared with other women is based on the person receiving the message. Why are people expecting these women to be a spokesman for issues dealt amongst women? I don’t know anyone who turns Cardi B’s music on to hear about social injustices or domestic abuse. 

Megan and Cardi are playing “make-believe” and throwing emphasis on tiny truths about their life. It’s like applying for a job and sprinkling a little extra in during your interview to make yourself look good. In this case, it’s not an interview. But it’s appealing to someone mature enough to understand its content. 

This video doesn’t “inspire” me to do anything but shake my ass. But as a woman, it does make me feel proud of my lady parts. I don’t see anything wrong with having a good lady part. Haha. The language in the song may be quite vulgar but nonetheless, it is a form of expression and art. Good art challenges thought and provoke reflection. This video has everyone on Black Twitter at an uproar. It’s good art because it did what it was supposed.

Doctors are even firing back in the two rapper’s defense arguing it is completely fine to have lubricated genitalia. But I say it’s gone too far when medical professionals feel the need to step in to verify such things. Come on, who cares other than the person we’re getting in bed with? In the words of Megan, “Talk yo shit!” & let’s move on shall we?

The responsibility of who a child chooses to be a role model is ultimately in the hands of the kid. We aren’t aware of who someone chooses as their inspiration. Kids don’t realize it. But it is their parent’s responsibility to guide them. Censorship is a biggie that we struggle within the age of the Internet. But these women didn’t ask to be speakers on serious issues. From the beginning of their careers, they came with a vulgar bang. So either listen to it or just turn it off.

Did you like the song? Bump or Pass? Leave your answers in the comments below.