5 Steps to Completing Your Vision Board for the New Year

Do you consider yourself a goal-getter? I am 100% a goal chaser. I love setting goals for myself to accomplish. That’s why I chose to start the New Year right by sharing my 2020 Vision Board to Doc’s Castle. Now I want to share my thought process for how I get it done so you can do it for the next year 2021.

Creating a Vision Board really isn’t hard. Since we’re now in December prepping to cleanse our 2020 sins away, many people should be aware of what they want to work towards in the new year. 

[Read: The Reason Vision Boards Work and How to Make One from Huffington Post]

Generally, I make sure I have an idea of a direction I’m headed for the coming year. I’m not a perfectionist about completing the goals I make. But I do like looking back at previous vision boards with a sense of pride that it all started from a board when I achieved them.

Here are 5 Steps for Creating a Vision Board the Doc’s Castle Media way.

Review Previous Years Goals for Setting Goals for the New Year 

Quickly jot down what you are proud of accomplishing during the current year. This is an important step in setting goals for the following year because it doesn’t give a feeling of starting from scratch. Doing this will have you walking into the new year proud of what was already done. Before you make your new list, give yourself a pick me up by listing what you’re proud of completing in 2020.

Categorize Accomplishments

This is definitely an extra step I take in creating my vision boards. It’s not necessary but it helps me build on my achievements. Some goals you may have can be combined because they can be very similar in getting to a mutual endpoint. I categorize these goals because it’s easier to find an image to represent a group of similar things rather than finding images for each listed.

For example, I am able to look at my 2019 Vision Board and see that the majority of goals were for personal development. I had goals to work on planning and organizing. I also had a goal to practice writing. I labeled these goals as self-development goals. When looking for relatable images,  I’ll group all pictures for organizing and writing as self-development. This helps me later down the line when viewing my board because any self-development image in use should bring thoughts of these aspirations.


Choosing a Vision Board Template that works Best for You

When looking for vision board examples, you’ll find a variety of different ways people get creative making vision boards. Poster boards, Pinterest boards, and even goals and grids. My vision boards are digitally created, saved as a PDF file, and printed and posted in numerous spots. I like it best this way because I can manage the size of my vision board. I like posting my vision board as a screensaver on my phone or print it out to hang on my fridge. I make sure my goals are very visible.

I also complete my vision board using Adobe’s Photoshop each year. But there are many free apps and software, like Canva and Picmonkey, which gives the same digital flexibility. But if all else fails, you can always make one using pen, paper, and your imagination. 

Search for visual representations for Vision Board Ideas

This is where you’ll focus on grabbing vision board supplies and images. My search for inspiration is quick and done using the Google search engine. I research images and terms I created by categorizing my accomplishments. But for many people who opt out of that extra step, they choose an image that will remind them of what they want to accomplish. You can include other cool visuals on your vision board like quotes, places you’d like to visit, and people you’d like to see. The point of your board is to inspire. So you should include any material that will motivate you whenever you see it.

Hanging Your Vision Board


When your board is complete, post it where you’ll always see it. By the computer workspace, next to the bathroom mirror, or on the refrigerator door are great places to post inspiration because these are places most people go at the start of their day. Posting your board wherever you look the most should trigger your mind towards what inspires you. But posting it wherever you start your day is an extra plus because of the anticipated motivation expected to gain from viewing it 365 days of the year. That’s even more encouragement towards your target. So I’d post it high and mighty if I were you.

Now that you have the steps, will you be making a vision board for 2021? Leave your comments below.

Doc’s Thumbs Up: The Mighty Herd Studios Premieres “Liquor for Water” starring Damian Byrd Jr and Micaiah Jones

I’m branching off from sharing any music artist this week. I’ll give you a little break from the “Baltimore Rapper” and the singer’s scene.

The Doc’s Thumb’s Up is The Mighty Herd Productions Liquor for Water short film which was just released to the public Monday, December 1st at 8 pm ET.

The film is directed and executive produced by media producer and photographer David Wavey. I first caught wind of who Mr. Wavey was in 2015. He was my coworker at my 9 to 5 job at the time. But something about him screamed he’s different from the rest of these folk. Wavey, to me, was destined to be more than his surroundings and that’s why I chose to follow his artistic journey throughout the years. I love that I literally watched his photography and creativity grow.

Liquor For Water follows protagonist Damian Byrd Jr’s conquest towards his living purpose. Uncertain whether he is destined to be better following God’s graces, he finds himself in a church airing his grievances to what the audience believes to be a priest played by Micaiah Jones. We later find out he should be more careful about what he asks for. The film is a play on the Christian parable of turning water to Wine. We see this at the end of the video when the protagonist finds that his spirit bottle was turned into water. Dun, dun, dun!

Other familiar names involved in this project are co-writer and filmmaker Raquel LM, producer LaTonya Joyce-Palmer, director of photography Michael J. Johnson Jr., working as assistant camera, director of the Lost Kings Series brand Terrence Smalls and numerous other Baltimore creatives.

Liquor for Water is now available to view on YouTube. Watch the Full Film below.

What’s Up Doc: Where Have I Been and Hair Diary

Sit with me as I take the moment to do my infamous braid out and share a little bit of Doc’s Caste Media history.

In 2018, Doc’s Castle Media lost its URL for www.docscastlemedia.com due to some unfortunate events and spam activity that caused the website to crash. I lost access to Doc’s Castle Media for 6 months! Readers caught on to my absence slightly before that 6 month period, and I was frequently asked questions about what I planned to do with my blog.

In a new vlog series What’s Up Doc, I’ll share more personal ideas and plans I have for my blog and also share a few personal things going on with Doc. Readers will have more opportunities to hear my voice and get to know me beyond just writing about what’s happening around me. This comes as an idea after two years of starting an art blog on IG. When creating my art blog, I had no idea anyone would follow my page. I did not start with the idea to share art with people that I knew. Instead, I let my art following build organically and I hope to do the same with my vlogging series geared to sharing more about what I take personal interests in.

My 1st episode is a podcast style recording giving a little background insight on Doc’s Castle Media. Readers can find out some history about the Doc’s Castle, LLC brand, what I was up to during my year-long hiatus between 2018 and 2019, and what new things are coming for the blog. I do this all while styling my hair into my go-to hairdo.

If you can leave the correct year Doc’s Castle Media launched in the comments of the video or this blog page, you enter yourself into a drawing for some Tipsy Decòr. The winner will be contacted through direct message. Do you know?

#Thirsty30Body: My Bullet Journal Methods That Help Reach My Fitness and Nutrition Goals

Bullet journals are not literal journals that house bullets. 

In #Thirsty30Body: Essential Fitness Tools. Items You May Already Have Lying Around, I mentioned using a tracking system to help hold a person accountable for their weight-loss goals. Trackers, such as Lose It App or utilizing a fitness watch, are two major resources I use to stay accountable for reaching my Thirsty 30 Body. These trackers are easily accessible on my phone so that I mark my progress daily. I like having digital access most times, but I’ll always keep a special place in my heart for analog to-do lists and trackers. It’s just something about manually scratching something off my lists that makes the experience more personal and productive.

Bullet journaling is a method considered as an easy-to-use and basic way of tracking a weight-loss program. It can be achieved through using a simple calendar, planner, or notepad barely in use at home. Anyone with the time or simply the creative energy like me could turn a plain planner into their Thirsty Body Bible.

Filling the pages of a basic notebook is like filling a blank canvas. It’ll showcase all my habits of what makes me who I am. If done properly, I can look back in my notes from days, months, and even years ago and know why I react the way that I did in any situation. I attribute it to taking notes about my habits and activity.

[Read: This Is How I Bullet Journal My Fitness and Nutrition Goals Everyday to Stay on Track by Popsugar]

Today I want to share a few Bullet Journal Tips that I utilize to help push me towards Thirsty 30…

Choosing the Best Journal

A medium 5×7 inch journal is the perfect size journal to use for bulleting your methods. This size is super small and easily accessible. I love small journals mostly because they fit into any bag that I carry. Large journals are okay, but I don’t carry them as often if my purses don’t allow the space. I need something small that I know will be able to have in front of me when I need to get it. I also like journals without lines because every so often I like sketching random things on the blank pages. The whiter the page, the more space I have for my imagination.

Use Visual Charts, Pictures, and Lists to Visually Track Progress

Using weekly task lists and graphs help provide a little order in areas of my life I need to have control over. I follow a daily to-do list. I even use tables and charts in my bullet journal to keep track of my bills and expenses. For Thirsty 30 Body, my bullet journals include Meal prep, workout routines, motivational quotes, recipes, and anything that I’ll create into a bulleted list goes into my book.

A common chart I use in my notebook is my 6 to 12-week workout program. I have a Life Planner by Erin Condren that I live by that houses these workout plans. The 6 to 12-week workout plan is a chart that I use whenever I’m ready to go on a workout sprint. I created it to breed commitment. I recognize when it’s needed to call out time to focus on my goal to get healthy. So to train my mind to commit to this goal, I follow through by staying consistent with completing this plan. 

I’ll share a few Thirsty Body Bible Pages with you to help you commit to a plan.

Download this printable chart of a 6-12 Week Workout Program, here. 

Get Creative!

Gel and scented pens, sticky notes, highlighters, stickers, and washi tape are all essential items to have whenever I’m meditating in my bullet journal. It makes the process exciting to get through when I’m creating and designing from my imagination. It’s similar to telling a visual story. Many of the elements I put on the pages were placed there to recall times when I filled the journal page. Each page is unique. I could never be confused about where I am in my progress because each page in the journal is of its own design. So getting creative is necessary for building a personality for the journey.

[Read 21 Ways to Use Washie Tape by Journal with Purpose]

These are just three simple bullet journaling methods I use in my notebooks. There are many more that I have yet to explore. These three steps are good starter methods for analog tracking if digital isn’t working. They’re well worth the try if you’re looking for a better way of organizing your journey.

Do you know of any basic bullet journaling methods that should be added to this list? Leave them in the comments below.

Doc’s Thumbs Up: Faded by T.ali Official Music Video (Halloween Release)

Yes! Yes! Yes! I’m still sharing Halloween treats well into November. That’s what you’ll get, and should expect from me anyway when I share in the spirit annually participating in the holiday each year. For Halloween 2020, I chose dressing as a Covid Germ. But the Halloween treat featured as Doc’s Thumbs Up this week is hip-hop artist T.ali’s official music video for Faded

[Read: Baltimore Artist Contracts Coronavirus on Halloween and Infects 2 Seniors at Owings Mill Red Run Stream Valley Trail (Halloween Recap)]

T.ali, formally known as Kaseo, released visuals for his single Faded from his April album Since We’re Being Honest this Halloween. Finally! Listeners anticipated the video dropping as early as mid-September when casting calls for extras were first mentioned. A month and a half later, we can now feast our eyes on what’s been cooking. I just couldn’t wait to write about it because I already knew T.ali would push some greatness.

I was tuned into the hype posted every couple of days promoted on T.ali’s Instagram and other social media feeds. Mini clips of the mini horror film that advertised to us, the audience, as the official music video was finally pieced together into a full masterpiece. 

The video is relatable and reminiscent of growing up watching short, but somewhat lengthy-for-a-music-video, films. Music videos like Thriller and Bad created by the King of Pop Michael Jackson always come to mind as the greatest short musicals ever made. So when fresher artists take on the challenges to carefully create references that skew inspiration within their work to reach heights many other talents have previously succeeded in completing, pure greatness is bound to shine through. That’s what’s seen in T.ali’s performance; an artist who’s challenging himself to own and exploring those heights a plethora of talented people blueprinted. And he’s doing it while collaborating with many other dope artists, bringing them along for the ride too.

The video was produced by filmmaker Juba Productions, styled by Al Rogers, and makeup by Yeah Shae the MUA and Kay L.A.. The team of artists putting this project together is phenomenal. It’s right to assume that Faded would be a hit amongst the listeners because of the magnitude of dopeness. It’s not many times a group like this can come together and not produce great art. Some other Baltimore artists, just to name a few, featured in the video were Forty the Plug, Doowy Lloh, Da’Rious, Brandon Woody, Teddy Alexander, Miss Kam, J Lovey, and various others amazing dancers, actors, and singers. These guys really put on a show.

There’s a second release for the album Since We’re Being Honest this week Friday, November 6 for the deluxe edition. Listeners can get an even deeper listen to other tracks from T.ali and hear a few features from some of the artists spotted in the video.

Watch the full video to Faded:

Would you say this video is creepy? Would you bump this in your car? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Baltimore Artist Contracts Coronavirus on Halloween and Infects 2 Seniors at Owings Mill Red Run Stream Valley Trail (Halloween Recap)

Halloween 2020 is a little different this year because of what’s happening all over the world. People are being more cautious celebrating because of the country’s current status and are uncertain when making decisions navigating how to live during these covid times. Times are crazy and I decided to be a visual representation of what’s causing chaos around the world in 2020.

[Read I Wanted To Be Triggered for Halloween on Doc’s Castle Media]

I dressed as a coronavirus germ this year because it was literally all that was talked about in mainstream culture. I started hearing about Coronavirus towards the end of January before the virus reached the United States. At the time, I wasn’t so sure that disease would reach Americans. It seemed so far removed from my life as Wuhan, China was shut down on the opposite side of the world. Every day I rode public transportation during peak hours to work at the office in Downtown Baltimore. But now, 7 months later, sitting on a packed train never seemed so dangerous in my life.

[Read timeline of how coronavirus got started on ABC News.]

This world being consumed by Covid 19 affects not only human bodily functions. It’s infectious to our everyday lives affecting us in every area and physical function. People are seeking ways of dealing with mental stress and financial hardships. I’ve even seen churches battle with government policy to continue having Sunday service. This disease affects everyone everywhere even if you don’t contract it. 

The holiday season is here. It doesn’t come as a surprise that many people are finally peeking out of their doors to explore the new world. We’re ready to socialize with our friends and family after being quarantined for nearly a year. Sadly, covid cases are still rising. Earlier in the week, American’s were warned of a third Covid 19 surge taking place as predicted. So I chose to be a walking reminder of what’s lurking in our atmosphere ready to penetrate our respiratory systems if we decide to ignore the rising cases.

The makeup artist behind this masterpiece is Nelli from GlambyNelli on Instagram. Nelli is a Baltimore Artist well versed in a multitude of talents but she wow’s us away with this project! I told her my vision and boom! She turned my head into a covid germ and still made me look pretty!

Nelli began taking her Halloween makeup artistry seriously just a year ago in 2019 while doing makeup for family and friends and sharing images of her work on social media. But she’s always had a love for art. While visiting her art studio for my appointment, I found she surrounds herself with inspiration from her own creations. She told me she’s an artist for many years. I learned she’s a makeup artist, painter, and photographer. She absolutely loves creating. I could tell from the creative aura that surrounds her studio.

I was drawn to contacting Nelli for my services after seeing her recreation of the 2009 science fiction film Avatar. The makeup was done so well, the client looked exactly like an actor from the movie. I had to see if she would accept my challenge to make me germy. I believe she had it in her to do it. She definitely succeeded.

Afterward, I went to find a safe socially distanced park where I could take pictures of me infecting others with my germs. It was so funny to hear people murmur to each other their guesses of my costume. “She’s so pretty,” was not what I intended to hear but it’s nice to know that I’m an attractive infectious disease. I continued my stroll through Owings Mills Red Run Stream Valley Trail with CtrlMyCamera taking shots of me jokingly pretending to spoil the other walkers on the trail. 

View more from my Coronavirus photoshoot in the slideshow below. *I do not own the rights to this music. The song is titled Coronavirus by Imarkkeyz on YouTube.*

I hope that people remain cautious while celebrating the holidays this season. These are crazy times we’re living in. We should have empathy for human life during these times as always. Even though it sucks as our more thankful and merriest time of the year approaches, we’re pressured to keep socially distancing. We should remain vigilant in protecting ourselves physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally as best as we can while socially distancing. We can still be there for one another. Humans need to stay connected. But we should be extra cautious and remember what steps to take to remain safe as we visit and spend time with the people we love.

Are dressing up for Halloween? Have you seen any cool costumes? Let me know in the comments below.

Catching the Beat at Beet Trip Episode 60 (Photos)

Baltimore has some of the most unique artsy events any art lover could love. One worthy of being mentioned a second time on Doc’s Castle Media is the Open Mic Series named Beet Trip. This was not my first time attending Beet Trip, but my 3rd time and years later from when I first stepped into experiencing the open mic in 2014. Back then, Beet Trip was brand new, and when I first saw the name, I was turned off because I intentionally thought of the disgusting purplish vegetable beets, thinking it was some veganism attempt to push their health agenda to me using hip-hop. But I digress…

Beet Trip was established over five years ago by a group of beatmakers and rappers seeking to find a place where music artists could share their gifts over crafted beats created by local producers at a nontraditional open mic. Beats from the producers are heard for the first time, just like the freestyles from rappers who spit over the tracks. It’s a true “freestyled” event. For 6 years, the open mic series has ran in numerous art venues across the city.

I thought it would be nice to peek into the festivities to catch some of the vibes and check out some of the talents. It’s been so long since and spectatorship has definitely grown.

Gatherings like these are reminders for artists of the many possibilities and things they can achieve, even while it’s such a small event. Artists start off wanting to take part in something small because they believe in it. They participate in it because it’s an original idea. They support it because it looks cool. But we don’t realize how the pure fun of it manifests into opportunities for so many local artists creating names for themselves.

[Read about another open mic series in Baltimore called Baltimore Beat Club on Doc’s Castle Media.]

Beet Trip is where I discovered a style of rap called Basement Rap, a genre coined by a couple of local hip-hop artists, to name a few Butch Dawson and Zheep DZ, two artists who frequent attending and getting involved in Beet Trip over the years. Since taking part in the open mic series and collaborating with other local talents, the rappers build combined followership of over 24,000 monthly listeners on Spotify from just being their authentic Baltimore rapping selves and enjoying creating art.

Beet Trip Episode 60 was hosted by local talent Al Rogers, who’s currently making waves with his very own Ice Cream flavor that can be purchased at Baltimore ice cream shop The Charmery, artist & curator of underground collective showcase 808s and Sadbois Qué Paqueño, and rapper & founder of The NASA8 Bito Sureiya. All artists put in work or had some kind of influence in Beet Trip historically. It’s inspiring to see these guys continue to work hard to make ways for other talents that’ll come episodes later.

In Episode 60, I saw lots of new faces and lots of new artists paving a way for their manifestations. Make sure you check out Beet Trip’s Instagram to view more pictures of highlights from the night. 

What are some open mics you’ve attended in your hometown? Have you ever experienced something like this? Leave your comments below.

#PrayForLove: Visit Loring Cornish’s #ICantBreathe Exhibition at How Great Thou Art Gallery

On another walk around Baltimore, I came across another outside art exhibition like the Black Lives Matter Mural in Patterson Park in September. This time in Baltimore’s Fell Point to get out of the house for a bit and visit Sound Garden to browse some vinyl and old flicks. A trip well spent because I bought some cool new socks. But also set my eyes upon a beautiful exhibit at the How Great Thou Art Gallery worthy of a PrayForLove highlight on Doc’s Castle Media. Baltimore Mosaic Artist Loring Cornish creates I Can’t Breathe outside exhibition to bring attention to police brutality.

Last month, we were hit with the devastating news of Breonna Taylor’s verdict. And just like when I scroll my social feeds, days later, I strolled by a reminder, in person, that we’re still in the midst of a war with police policy and reform. I’m tired.

Cornish exhibit is a pause in time. It makes you think. I took a moment of silence before I visited the Sound Garden next door. I saw all the names of victims fallen by police brutality represented by burning candles just under the “I can’t fucking breathe” sign. George Floyd and Breonna Taylor’s pictures displayed large as day with words of frustration and “I will never understand” written in all caps all around them. This case is the loudest breakthrough we’ve had in recent years. Two pictures of Breonna Taylor stand directly along side the burning candles. The exhibit makes me upset. The build-up of all of this has gone on far too long. I don’t understand, either. So I pause to take it in.

The exhibit is getting quite the buzz as people share their experiences on their social media using the hashtag #LoringCornish. On Instagram, there are over 500+ shared posts of Loring Cornish’s exhibit. 

Cornish had many other exhibitions focusing on race and police in previous years. In 2015 following the death of Freddie Gray, Cornish decorated a police box in Station North “to bring attention to police operating practices that have made millions of Americans uncomfortable.” He also received national attention for his Black “lynched” doll exhibition in response to Eric Gardner, Walter Scott, and Michael Brown. Cornish used his passion and talent to raise awareness of police brutality throughout the decade.

The How Great Thou Art Gallery is owned by Cornish and is the home to a plethora of beautiful creations made by the Mosaic artist himself. Check out more art at the Loring Cornish website.

“I will never understand,” either. Would you visit this exhibition? Leave your comments below.

I Wanted to Be “Triggered” for Halloween… (Photo Gallery)

Trying to keep in the spirit of Halloween, as I always do around this time of the year, I wanted to share this throwback costume from last year’s Halloween 2019 because I never had the opportunity of sharing on my blog. My followers know that I dress up every year for Halloween. I’ve shared so many of my costumes; from Tyler the Champion of Courage to Tina Belcher from Bob’s Burgers. I love dressing up for the holiday sometimes with no destination in mind. But last year, I chose to be “Triggered” for my costume.

[Read Get in the Spirit of Halloween: 5 Halloween Costumes by Doc on Doc’s Castle Media]


Triggered means to be activated by an event or circumstance that is the cause of a particular action, process, or situation. It’s to have an intense emotional or physical reaction to a situation.

Gradually over time as I scroll social media, I sense some annoyance seeping from my gut whenever someone is offended by something most people would consider to be minuscule. Topics that should be intentionally subjective spark absurd debates among peers that wouldn’t usually split relationships, divide, and conquer. More recently, the lines are being blurred on what is acceptable versus what is downright offensive. 

Now we’re dealing with the emergence of a mob of individuals who make up what we call Cancel Culture, “a form of public shaming that aims to hold individuals and groups accountable for their actions by calling attention to behavior that is perceived to be problematic, usually on social media.” It’s like modern-day biblical stoning, except with mean trendy hashtags on our Twitter and Facebook timelines. 

There are many victims of cancel culture. Just to name a few celebrities that have fallen to under the hammer of cancel culture conviction as of lately are Tory Lanez who allegedly shot Megan Thee Stallion in foot being shunned for dropping diss on the date of Breonna Taylor’s verdict, the once lovable but now turned villain Ellen Degeneres who’s catching heat workplace toxicity on her afternoon talk show Ellen, and even 50 Cent tried to call out the public to cancel Oprah for coming after black men in #MeToo Cases. We’re trying to rid everyone in the limelight.

Some of these stars may rightfully deserve being canceled. But there are times where mob mentality gets so triggered that pop culture turns to cancel people for simply having an unpopular opinion. That can be dangerous because we become afraid to make our next moves. Just look at how comedians have to move in this climate. Comedians nervously share new content in worries of their careers ending saying or doing something labeled unacceptable. They’re comedians. They’re supposed to make fun. Entire lives change when society resorts to canceling things, ya know. But do we think we could be going a little too far to rid society of what we feel is unpopular?

[Read Why Cancel Culture is a Distraction for The New York Times.]

Cancel culture is a phenomenon at the least because it leaves me astonished at how basic someone’s stance could be, yet they can go to ridiculous lengths to make a point about it.

So…I wanted to create a visual representation of how silly cancel culture has become. It’s ridiculous to see people get upset over the most trivial concepts. I’ve seen people disown their friends over food choices. I’ve even read news stories of people going mad and killing their entire families over someone choosing to not honor their wishes to not smoke near their family.


A bit much, I’d say. But it’s quite the example of someone pushing their opinions on other people as the “is all, be all.” The sensitivity is out of control. Telling someone “no” when we don’t want to agree with someone is starting to cause everyone to be cautious about what we say or do. Why can’t we respect other people’s opinions and go on about our day?

How did I do being Triggered for Halloween? Did you get it? Leave your comments below.

Doc’s Thumbs Up: Eze Jackson “Goals” Official Music Video

Baltimore rapper Eze Jackson released the visuals for his single to Goals mid-August, and I’ve finally gotten around to seeing it! Eze gets in our face about taking ownership of his crafts and surpassing all those people who “bluff” about what they do. Baltimore rapper and president of arts and entertainment brand Epic Fam tells us what he means when he envisions goals.

Watch the official video for Goals.

The first time I caught wind of Eze was in 2014 attending open mics around Baltimore City. But it was after I volunteered at Baltimore’s 2018 Artscape festival when I saw him perform Unapologetically Black, that I knew I was a fan of Eze’s music. His content has the ability for movement in people that not many artists can’t capture in their art. It’s also a rare commodity in “Baltimore Rappers,” and more generally, the crab artists of Baltimore City, as mentioned before in my blog series Quality vs. Quantity (Part 1): The Saturation of Wanna Be Artists In Baltimore’s Art Culture.

I wanted to share this video because it’s a humbling message to inspire moving in silence when working towards your goals.

The visuals in Goals look chaotic which brings my attention forward and alert. Words swarm across the screen. Silhouettes and images pop up in weird places. The video is everywhere. But as you listen to the lyrics and watch the video, all the same, you start comprehending Eze’s message. Everything is blah blah blah (means nothing) unless you’re really out here making things happen. This dude has tunnel vision for the chaos and “work” that other artists broadcast. He’s a veteran in his field with receipts to back up his accomplishments. The message is to hold what’s important to you, like your goals, at close range so that people who prey on your downfall won’t bring ill-will.

We all know that person who’s always blasting to the masses their next move. Or we know someone who gets way ahead of themselves blasting what they plan to do but never gets around to it. These people leave no room for mystery when it comes to what they have coming next, then ponder thoughts of why bad things happen or don’t happen at all. They leave room for their competition to plot and enemies to prey on their demise. It’s a rookie mistake. Honestly, do you see rap and hip-hop moguls like Diddy and Jay-z blasting their next business venture? Eze is making it known that that type of person isn’t allowed in his circle.

If you like the title track Goals, there is definitely more to come. Early October is the awaited release of the EP Goals; a masterful production brought to you by some of Baltimore’s great audio enhancers, one of the many who brought us the Baltimore Open Mic series event Baltimore Beat Club, Line-Up Room Production, Station North Sound and Mobtown Studios.

Do you have your calendars marked? Do you like this song? Leave if you’ll bump or pass this in the comments below.

Have you watched the video for the last Doc’s Thumb’s Up? Watch Doc’s Thumbs Up: Jai Ivy “I Know” ft. Luki Music Video Premiere on Doc’s Castle Media.