When Did Endangering Ourselves for Facebook Likes Become Popular?

Petroleum jelly challenge, Pass out challenge, Fire challenge, cinnamon challenge, and any other challenge that requires people to endanger themselves to get likes and views are swarming everyone’s social media timelines causing a huge uproar of disgust and disappointment. It’s even reaching major media channels.

People are dying from such incidents but these kids continue to participate in these dangerous challenges for attention. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

Who’s going to accept the challenge to stand against the crowd and not do what’s popular? What’s going on is obviously a new form of peer pressure I’ve never seen before. These teenagers want to do what they think is cool, but forget to realize they’re not invincible. If there’s no one telling them the errors of their ways or pointing out how dangerous some of these challenges they choose to take on are, it’ll be a generation full of DUMB ASS PEOPLE.

There’s one person who’s taking on the fire challenge differently. No one takes on this challenge better than my friend Brian Sessions as he performs a spoken word about what he thinks of these fire challenges.

What will it take for these kids to stop doing these things? Do you think these challenges will let up soon? Leave your comments below.

Have you heard about Pizza King? Read Whole Time, The Pizza King Live in Baltimore on Doc’s Castle Media.

Whole Time, The Pizza King Lives in Baltimore!

I don’t know why this excites me. I guess, I’m weird like that. In an article found on Mental_floss, I learned about a Baltimorean who has dedicated 25 years of his life to eating pizza and nothing else!


Dan Janssen survived solely on pizza for almost half of his life without major complications. How is he able to do this? I really don’t know. I’d really be tired of eating the same thing everyday. More power to this guy for making such a dedication to one kind of food. People who live on strict diets meant to help them lose weight can’t even eat pizza everyday.

While I watched the short documentary of Janssen explaining to viewers about his eating lifestyle, I couldn’t help but notice a few sightings of Baltimore restaurants. Of course, my Baltimore pride out shined the fact that this man is pursuing an unhealthy way of living. But man, did I get hungry!? Ha-ha!

Shoutouts to Joe Squared and Vennaris Pizza! Both have awesome pizza!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=os8V1EZNI8A]

Are you pro Pizza King’s decision to continue his pizza diet or are you against it? Leave your comments below.

I’m loving all the Bmore pride, lately. Make sure you read The Hashtag that Lasted All Week: #ImSoBaltimore on Doc’s Castle Media.

“Child Support The Comedy” Premieres August 14 at The Historic Senator Theatre in Baltimore

There’s a new film reaching our local theaters and I had the pleasure interviewing the director of this indie film. Mr. Frankie Jones was pleased to give me the scoop on his newest creation. This film is folks who may relate to the feeling of having their pockets emptied by the most evils of evil; a revenge seeking baby mother. Child Support The Comedy premieres for all to see this August 14 at The Historic Senator Theatre.

What’s the basics of Child Support The Comedy? What’s the movie about?

Frankie: Child Support The Comedy is about a character named Corey who’s subjected to pay child support because he’s not in a relationship with his vindictive baby mother. While Corey does not have a steady job due to being laid off, he struggles to pay his dues. After receiving a notice from the judge to pay one thousand dollars for child support with in 24 hours or be condemned into jail, Corey and his best friend come up with various plans to hustle up some money.

What inspired you to produce this film?

Frankie: I hear all kinds of Child Support Stories, and for the most part, its always frustration or anger that’s coming from the person who’s talking about it.  Since I wanted my next film to be a comedy, I figured “Child Support” was catchy and its topic is real. I thought maybe I could come up with a storyline in a comedic sense to get a small message out there to people. It was also a challenge to make this film because its my first comedy.

Is this your first indie film? If not, what are some of your other works you’d like to share with the Doc’s Castle Media readers?

Frankie: This is my third film.  The first was Family Faith and Money, based on my book Family Faith and Baltimore Money. The second film is One Song.

Should we expect more movie from you soon?

Frankie: You can definitely expect more movies. We will be having a casting call in August for a new project.

Are there any other events we should look forward to from you in the upcoming year?

Frankie: You can expect more movies and projects in the upcoming year.

Do you know anyone who’s experiencing what Corey’s going through in real life?

Frankie: Its a lot of people who I know that can relate to Child Support The Comedy or are going through similar situations.

Doc’s Castle Media seeks to inspire positivity and productivity in the people of our city. From your experiences, could you share a few words about what motivated you to keep pushing to make Child Support The Comedy or any other film you’ve created?

Frankie: First and foremost, what motivates me the most is God because he wakes me up every morning and gives me the strength and talent to be able to do what I do. Then, of course, there’s my family that motivates me. Connecting with my friends while bringing our ideas and creativity together to create a great production also motivates me. I just like helping people take steps towards something that they always wanted to do.

What are your links for people to keep up with what’s new coming from Frankie Jones Movies? (Social Media, websites, etc.)

My website is www.frankiejonesmoves.com

Twitter: @frankiejones122


What’s the funniest child support experience you’ve heard? Leave your comments below.

The HashTag That Lasted All Week: #ImSoBaltimore

Is it over yet?

For the past two days, I’ve watched my city shine with pride as people participating in a game online through their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. My online friends shared memories of growing up in Baltimore by posting photos and statuses about moments they remember while living in Baltimore under the #hashtag #ImSoBaltimore.


I recall there being other hashtags, like #ImSoDC and #ImSoHarlem. But because majority of my time lines are recipients of Baltimore City, I rarely saw those posts. So like a throwback Thursday turned into an entire week of nostalgia, I was swimming in Baltimore pride all week.

Just the other day, we complained about how we hated where we were from. Two weeks ago, we screamed of how no one will ever make it out of this city with the lack of support from other people who live here. But what I see, with the addition of support from people who attended Artscape, we’ve gain quite a supportive presence by showing our pride in where we come while simply posting statuses about things done in and only in our city.

I spent most of my Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday liking other people’s posts, thinking to myself: I remember doing that or saying I wish that place never went out of business. We aren’t just the home of the Wire. We’re more. We just needed to let others know for a sec.

I miss Baltimore the way everyone remembered it. We talked about it like we don’t do these memorable activities anymore. It opened up my eyes into looking for new memories to capture while I continue to live here. Although, I already have started picking up the habit of doing things that can only be experienced here, I hope that others developed that sense to do the same. We can create more of these Baltimore memories.

Check out some of the things people said while participating in this week’s popular #hashtag. (All these status updates were taken from my Facebook time line. These were not submitted to me. I simply stumbled across them.)





We had a few downers who complained about this online burst of  Baltimore pride, of course. It never fail to have someone representing that “crab-in-a-barrel” mentality. I’m glad someone chose to speak up about it, though.


IKR! Just log out because it’s not over yet. Baltimore for life! We’re SO BALTIMORE!

What are some of your memories about Baltimore? Share some in the comments below.

Did you participate in the #TwitterPurge? Read WTF #TwitterPurge on Doc’s Castle Media.

YTube Vid of the Week: If Black People Said The Stuff White People Say

Sometimes I wonder do people actually think before speaking. Someone can tell if you didn’t. This week’s YTube Vid of the Week is a comedy of Black people saying things that white people may say to Blacks that just seems plain retarded questions to ask. There may not be such a thing as a dumb question, but there is such a thing as questionable questions. In this video there is a plethora of those.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1zLzWtULig]

What can you do when someone asks you something like the questions in this video but ask another question back? Some of these things mentioned will make you turn your head in curiosity because you’ll wonder Do white people really ask questions like this. Uhh, yeah. I personally get rhetorical questions about my hair.

Why do you think we never say anything about these crazy, and my opinion sometimes ignorant, questions? Do you think it’s because we don’t want to be labeled as an “unruly black person?” Leave your comments below.

Did you watch last week’s YTube Vid of the Week? Watch Kids React to Gameboy on Doc’s Castle Media.

Happy Batman Day!!

I like comics on the low. Though, I don’t actually read comic books because I prefer to read a novel, I do continue to keep up with comic book characters and their storylines through different comic universes. In my house, there’s a library of Marvel and DC encyclopedias. I like to read about each character’s story and lifestyle. It’s cool.


Batman is one of the characters that I know a little something about. He gets a special place on Doc’s Castle Media because DC comics declared today as the official Batman day! It’s Batman’s 75th anniversary celebration and they’re giving away a free special edition of DETECTIVE COMIC #27 at participating book retailers to batman fans.

Since the 1940s, Batman has fought crime in Gotham City. All I can say about all those long drawn out years of being Gotham’s vigilante is “I never want to move there, ever!” Check out some of my favorites from Batman over the years.

Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight was the best played Batman.


He seemed the most realistic.

My Favorite villan from Batman The Animated Series The Joker.


I loved that purple suite. He was funny, too.

Of all the different theme songs that have come from this long Batman reign, my favorite is the Batman Beyond theme song!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8Y5SLcBJks]

This is my sister’s ringtone.

And lastly, my favorite relationship was of Batman and Wonder Woman in Justice League Unlimited.


They’re the cute power couple in the group.

What would you say are your favorites from Batman? Share some in the comments below.

Have you read about the TwitterPurge yet? Read WTF #TwitterPurge on Doc’s Castle Media.


#TakeAStand Baltimore

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson

It’s important to stay positive at all times. It helps fuel the drive you have to progress to a better you. It pushes you towards a new level of living that could create a better lifestyle and it makes you feel great by improving your self-confidence. Being positive can take you places you’ve never thought you’d have the ability to reach.

Recently, there has been plenty acts of kindness I’ve seen towards homeless people on my Facebook time line. It’s nice seeing some of my friends stepping up to show that they care about other people’s circumstances.

One of those thoughtful Facebook friends of mine is Derrick Craddock. I’ve known Derrick for a while now. I use to be a contributing writer for his former entertainment blog The Dope Delivery. So I’ve always known about his dedication and drive to becoming something more. He’s definitely someone I know who has gone through something traumatic but is strong enough to come out on top. That’s why I needed to share this video with everyone. Derrick is doing something that’s definitely worth some rewarding attention that this city should be proud of.

Derrick spent his birthday making others happy. What people usually expect for someone to do on their birthday is spend time participating in an activity for their personal gain and happiness. In this video, he’s proven the truth behind happiness; happiness is making others happy.

This video has such a positive message. I’m glad Derrick did this and shared it on YouTube. It means we can all share this positivity and maybe encourage someone new to show how they care for someone else. What can you do to receive happiness and share positivity?

I want to do a good deed by sharing positivity through this blog post. I want share my positive words. So here it goes…Stay positive when times are tough. Ignore all negativity. It may seem like you are at your lowest but you have to remember that there are people who are worse off than you. You’re even blessed when you don’t realize it. I believe in good karma and the people who put in the efforts to do good for others will have good things happen for them. Derrick will receive his good karma soon. You can, too.

There are many other good deeds being done by others around Baltimore. If you know of any deeds worth sharing about, leave them in the comments below.

No one should ever have to experience domestic abuse. Read What’s Love Got To Do With It on Doc’s Castle Media.

WTF?!?! #TwitterPurge (Rant)

So on July 19, 2014, I was surfing my Twitter timeline, as always, and I couldn’t help but notice an excessive amount of naked women on it! There’s always people reposting pictures exposing women on my timeline. (I don’t know what’s wrong with these horny people.) But last night was just ridic.


Who decided to start the hashtag #twitterpurge? It’s just really inappropriate and embarrassing to watch people take part in such nonsense. If you’ve missed it, #TwitterPurge is when people post nude photos of people they may or may not know, exposing them entirely to the public. That’s pretty much it. There were even memes that emerged from people’s participation in last night’s popular hashtag fiasco.

I was embarrassed more for the people who chose to uncover what should have been sacred for many of those people who were exposed. I’m sure the people who were in those photographs trusted the person responsible for posting their naked selfies at some point of their lives. There has to be over a thousand folks “beafing” with each other after last night. That could have been easily avoided. Now I suspect there’s more tension in the atmosphere that doesn’t need to be there.

What the hell does this #twitterpurge have to do with the film that was released this past Friday in theaters? There’s no relation at all. I wonder what producers are thinking after witnessing a popular hashtag take complete control over the idea of what the purge is because I know it has nothing to do with people sending photos of other folks. Are the producers scrambling to save their box office sales because of a group of teens unknowingly sabotaging their general idea, or will there be an increase in box office sales today? Will producers have to hear the mouths of thousands of angry parents? Sheesh, I would hate to work on their PR team now.  

Purge Anarchy

The purge is said to have started by a group of teens in Santa Clarita Valley in Los Angeles under a page named “SCV Purge.” The page encouraged teens to send nude photos to the account. After the account attracted 3,000 followers, it must have started a chain reaction because there was another Twitter account created that also accepted nudes. This #twitterpurge can be compared to the thousands of Instagram and Facebook pages made to do the exact same thing, tarnish the reputation of it’s teenage victims. All I do is shake my head at it’s disgrace.

This is the first time I’m choosing to address this “social media pornography” but I see it happens often. Sooner or later, we’ll be desensitized from it and learn to accept these pop-up pages. It’s like the children of our future show no remorse for others. Their ruining other people’s lives for laughs and giggles and I’m sitting in awe. I wonder how society will try to intervene in trying to take control of an issue like this.

What do you think? In what ways do you believe society will grab a handle of this type of indecent exposure? Leave your comments below.

For those people who are convinced that The Purge Anarchy is about naked people, here’s the trailer to fix those assumptions. We can’t have you judging whether to see a movie based of your experiences on Twitter.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzFCDqKE4yA]

YTube Vid of the Week: Kids React To Game Boy

Kids say the darndest things! Remember that show hosted by Bill Cosby? When I was watching it, it was coming on Nick at Night after Rugrats aired. After I watched this week’s YTube Vid of the Week, I immediately thought about the kids who were guests on Kids Say The Darndest Things.

It’s funny talking to someone who’s so young. They’re so oblivious to what happened in this world before them. The kids in this video were so shocked to have learned about the functions of one of the first portable game consoles. I just loved hearing the things they said about something I use to play to pass time by as a child. Some loved it and others got bored with it quick. While I was cleaning my room the other day, I found my old Game Boy and started playing it. The kids were right. It is boring to play now. We need complex games and easy access. I guess that’s why we cling to our phones like crazy.

TheFineBros have lots of videos on their YouTube channel of people reacting to all kinds of things. I recently looked at Teens React To 90s Internet and said to myself, “I remember when the Internet became popular.” I felt so old after I said that. I can only imagine when I have kids the things they’ll say about the technology that I grew up using. I’ll be viewed as a dinosaur!

What’s a technology you’ve reacted weird to that you’re parents may have used in the past? Leave comments below.

Have you watched Beauty and the Beat? Watch last week’s Ytube Vid of the Week on Doc’s Castle Media.

What’s Love Got To Do With It

I recently watched the movie What’s Love Got To Do With It starring Angela Bassett, and I never realize how accurate the film was until I took the time out to analyze how real situations in people’s love lives over power their decision-making process. Have you ever come across someone who’s accepting of so much distress from one person only to find out it’s because they “love” this individual entirely too much?

ike and tina

People choose to stick with the wrong people a little too often.

When the bad outweighs the good in someones relationship, it becomes hard for me to comprehend why someone would stick around with another person for long periods of their life. If the heartache outweighs the happiness, what kind of repayment are you receiving after investing your time to this one person? I don’t get it.

In What’s Love Got To Do With It, Tina Turner was caught up in some warp spell with Ike Turner. No matter how shitty he treated her, she stuck around because she loved him. This man yelled at her over simple issues, beat her when he felt she was disrespectful, he basically treated her like she was his pet, in a way. This guy even raped her. What the hell was keeping her around?!

It’s sad the reality of a situation like Ike and Tina’s. So many others go through it everyday because of the fear of having to start over with someone new. I say screw that! That’s not a reason to refuse to leave a bad place in your life. What’s love got to do with it if you’re getting disrespected everyday dealing with this “love.” To me, it’s not love at all. It’s simply fear and confusion. The fear of stepping out on someone they’re obviously confused about.

domestic violence

Are you aware of what’s right and wrong in your relationship?

Communication is key in every relationship so why not address what the correct things are for the both of you in your relationship. Who likes what? Who believes getting beat is what happens in a relationship? From day one,a person’s wants and needs should be hashed out in a mature conversation with their significant other. Maybe not the first date, but while both parties are getting to know what they like. They’ll truly be spending their time getting to know someone they should care about.

Later when the both parties have spent so much time getting to know each other, they’ll be put in a better position to be happy with each other. If a person is unable to communicate their concerns, they won’t comprehend this most important step. Assumptions rule that person’s ability to make rational choices. Sometimes that’s what makes me believe influences someone’s decision to put their hands on another person, through their assumptions and inability to solve problems. Simple communication can fix that.


Know when their time is up!

When is the correct time to know you’re tired? Some people miss the point where they should say, “Look, I’m tired of this happening to me.” Should a person wait until they’re in the hospital while their health is not too great, should they wait until your spirits are sucked from within and they see it’s impossible to move on to something better for themselves. That cannot be me at all.

I’m sorry if I’m coming off a bit passionate about this subject. It’s just when I’m watching TV, why do I have to be reminded of the dumb things I’ve seen at some point in my life. I’ve known people who I’ve seen first hand go through what my generation may call the “Ike Turner.” Ha-ha! It’s no reason to glorify it.

When someone’s time is up, they’ll feel it in their soul and know enough is enough. It’s when that person will finally grab their dignity and say no! They’ve finally gained respect for themselves. They finally love themselves.

Move The F*%# On

So someone’s hand is slapping you across your face. Are you going to hit them back, let it happen with no consequences, or walk away with your dignity in tact. Uhh, I suggest a person to walk away because they’d look really retarded standing there getting hit, giving the permission to another person to continually put their hands on them like the person is above them.

There are billions of people on this earth. Forget that one crummy person who can’t respect someone they claim to love. We don’t bring down others self-esteem over here! We uplift them and this post is meant to uplift another. Rise up from what you’re comfortable in being involved in and change your life around.

Can you name a circumstance where you knew someone was in a bad predicament, like domestic abuse? Share them in the comments below.

Read Petition to Comb Blue Ivy’s Hair on Doc’s Castle Media