Baltimore Club Music Documentary Produced By Issa Rae and Directed by TT The Artist Now Streaming on Netflix

You could feel the spirit of K-Swift in the production in this one. Issa Rae, TT the Artist, and Nexflix come together to showcase Baltimore city’s club culture in Dark City Beneath The Beat documentary. 

Dark City Beneath The Beat initially premiered at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Music and American Black Film Festivals prior to the 2020 pandemic. The documentary premiered mid-April 2021 with a bang on Netflix while artists in Baltimore share in pride and excitement across their social media timelines opening weekend.

I can speak for many in Baltimore when I say we were a little skeptical of the documentary. It’s been years since I celebrated club music. I reminisce of my peak in embracing Baltimore’s club culture when I joined dance battles amongst my middle school classmates. I miss making up dance routines with my neighborhood friends. Those fun moments in my past that I associate with club music and viewed as a distant memory, aren’t as extinct to many artists like TT the Artist, DJ Mighty Mark, and DJ Blaqstarr.

It was in the early 2000s when the city lost its club music queen K-Swift. There are small glimpses of a rise of Baltimore’s club culture – back when K-Swift traveled and advocated nationally for house music prior to her passing. Without K-Swift, the aura is not the same. It’s like the people of Baltimore secretly get jealous of acclamations that other house music listeners from states like, for example, New Jersey claims “to being the land of the greatest club music, ever.” & Such claims are absolutely absurd, of course.

TT The Artist is a Baltimore city arts advocate and director of Dark City Beneath the Beat. She speaks about the hate she receives considered an outsider of Baltimore. Originally from south Florida, TT moved to Baltimore city and fell in love with Baltimore’s club culture while attending the Maryland Institute College of Art. When she left to pursue dreams in Los Angeles, she exited carrying with her the precious sounds of the Baltimore club mix to push an evolution. TT saw something magical. She felt that club music and dance were too good to keep confined to the streets and people of Baltimore city. She sees a culture that uplifts a community that also needs to be uplifted in return. So she created this documentary.

About the Film

The artists featured in the film have the charisma to share with the world what Baltimore’s club culture is about. What I and many other people lack is the knowledge of how they do this. The film sheds light on groups and organizations working to keep the Baltimore club music culture alive. Viewers learn a brief history of club music, the names of staple icons, such as dancers, singers, and producers, in the current Baltimore’s club music scene, and soak up the essence of feeling Baltimore’s original beat. The documentary isn’t so caught up on historical breakthroughs in club music by highlighting influencers that we so often hear of like the well-known Frank Ski, Rod Lee, and Ms. Tony. Rather we learn about influencers in the culture today. A new list of artists comprised of dancers and community leaders like Uneek and Tsu Terry.

I gave the documentary a shot the morning it premiered on Netflix and wasn’t disappointed. I had faith in it doing well so I support it. It stands as a good representation of what Baltimore club music does for those who live here. It’s not so prevalent in my lifestyle as it once was for me as a child, but the beat still speaks to me whenever I do hear Baltimore club mix. It’s near impossible to watch the film without doing the crazy legs or sexy walk in my chair. It should be the same for anyone who’ll stream the film on Netflix. I encourage others to give it a shot, too.

Overall the film gets a Doc’s Thumbs Up because TT The Artist served her purpose well. She paid homage to Baltimore and forged a visual representation for a famous Baltimore art subculture. She works her ass off helping to pave a lane for this art. The film is beautifully done. I commend her and everyone involved in the production of Dark City Beneath the Beat. It deserves to be celebrated.

Watch Hey Baltimore! Produced by Kariz Marcel and written by Rufus Roundtree and Eze Jackson.

This song was featured and can be streamed via the Dark CityBeneath the Beat soundtrack.

Do you have a favorite Baltimore club song? Leave your answers in the comments below.

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