So What Are We Doing Now? I thought the topic was police brutality? Where to donate to Support #BlackLives

Let’s talk about how the world is moving after the death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmed Arbury.

We’re now near to a month in with bringing police brutality to the forefront of the media. Almost every day, we’re hearing new stories of someone getting killed or abused by cops. Just this week, former Atlanta Officer was charged with the murder of Rayshard Brook, a black man who was fatally shot in an Atlanta Wendy’s drive-thru after running away with the officer’s taser. We’re also seeing multiple petitions for many other cases involving social injustices being revisited. Mom of Kendrick Johnson, the black Georgia high school student that was found dead in the high school gymnasium in 2013, held a “Justice for Kendrick” rally on Saturday. Even Kim Kardashian shared her sentiments and support for signing a petition to reopen his case. The world looks like it’s making a turn for a change.

There are hundreds of companies and organizations making public stances in support of ending police brutality, supporting police reform, defunding police departments, and so on. The world is looking like it’s making a breakthrough. It really is. As a result of all these changes happening, we as a society look like we don’t know what we should be focusing on because there are lots of organizations making PSAs that aren’t directly focused on police reform but systemic racism in general. I log online and feel like my brain is being pulled from one breakthrough on one side of the country to the next breakthrough on the other.

And like any hot topic, there are so many inquisitive people pondering why we are making so many changes. Questions I’ve seen being asked: 

  • What should be our main focus in the media?
  • What should we have our attention emotionally, spiritually, and physically?
  • What’s good for our mind during all of this?
  • What does this tell me about my frame of character? 
  • Are the changes we’re making moving us in a positive direction? 

These are all very good questions to ponder. But I also see people arguing about why we are fighting when they thought racism ended? What are we trying to change? Honestly, I can sense their frustration. If you’re now truly beginning to see how messed up everything is, I’m sure you’re finding out how much more fight we have left to right a wrong system. 

Source: Facebook

Ultimately, all of these questions show us how much we don’t know how structured a systemic racial society has shaped how we live our daily lives. So we’re confused. It’s good news one minute to hear people talking of police officers walking out in Atlanta after the charges were made against the cop accused of murdering Rayshard Brooks. “Because this is what it all started from. Police Brutality is the topic.” It’s labeled off-topic the next minute people celebrate the rebranding of breakfast delicacy Cream of Wheat, which if someone was educated on the history of the image on the package, they’d know the chef name is Rastus – a pejorative term and considerably offensive as it’s associated with a depiction of a stereotypically happy Black Man in a plethora of minstrel culture in the 1920s. 

We are capable of focusing on more than one thing at a time. Still, while these are two separate stories, racism is the dark cloud that overcasts each. Systemic Racism needs to be addressed from every angle. We don’t have to erase it. But let’s REVISE our history to include everyone in it. Let’s have our story told with the inclusion of the people it’s about. Let’s hear the dialog of those who find that this is wrong. This is one reason why we diversify the people sitting in the seats at big tables at large corporations…AND actually, listen to their input, then implement it. We include them so we don’t have to say oops.

Change is good. Social evolution is a good thing. If you have a problem like NASCAR’s Truck Series Driver Ray Ciccarelli who quits racing because of the confederate flag ban, and if you don’t see how innovative such change can be for NASCAR to move forward from allowing this in the first place, it is your complacency to racism speaking from within. You’d better check it. Because we must knock out every single angle of this racist ass circus:

Though…I agree, there are some people making stances for change that are a little questionable. I’m seeing how desperate during this political season candidates make statements in hopes they sway voters in their favor. I question how genuine Joe Biden really feels when he makes public his opinions about wanting reparations for blacks as long as it’s expanded to Native Americans, too. Sounds like you itching for my vote buddy. If you mean it, I’m with it.

As I mentioned before in my blog “Is this the Revolution I talked about not being Televised? My #BlackOutTuesday Protest Against Racism in the Wake of the 2020 Minneapolis Riots,” it is time for people of color voices to be heard. Everywhere there are injustices there should be someone trying to address it. Society is evolving with many breakthroughs because people are sharing their stories with white allies who are listening. We have to be ready to receive it.

It still blows my mind people complain about good changes.

Why should corporations and companies change their company stances and political stances in supports of #BLM matter?

Because the “black” dollar has weight.

Black people spend money. Everyone should know black people spend their money. As stated in the Black Detour, “Though Black America makes up a small portion of the US population, Black buying power is approximately $1 trillion with estimates placing it close to $2 trillion by 2020, making us [black people] one of the largest economies in the world according to the World Bank, the 15th largest economy in the world in terms of GDP.” This means black people have an influence on what defines mainstream simply from decisions made from their wallets. This is important to everyone else because this tells us black spending is why you’ll see that item in the isles at the stores, on your television screens, and even down to the place you choose to purchase your crabs in Maryland. It’s crazy how you can find a GoFundMe account created for a Maryland crab shop after it opted to shut down all four of it’s Maryland locations because BLM protests emerged at the Middle River location for the owner and his family’s choices of words and viewpoint in response to 2020 Minneapolis riots and looting.

Screenshot of Vince Crab’s GoFundMe

The weight of the black dollar matters to these corporations. What we see here is our country facing an economic crisis from the coronavirus crisis, too. When the stores open back up, the black dollar matters, right? I’m cautious knowing that my wallet has weight. I’m aware of this power. Companies are changing policies and making public stances also because they know this power, too. Especially in the wake of a pandemic where we’re desperate to not fall into an economic depression. So now I’m choosing to use this power to continue to expand on with conscious shopping, investing in what I feel is worth my money. I’m researching the company and its product. Does this give back to the issues I care about? Hmm…and is it blacked owned, too?

Humans know right from wrong. But our issues are layered and capitalism is corruption. We have to put back into what matters in order to live a better life. So putting money into communities that matter to me is important.

Finding a motive that you’re passionate about. It doesn’t have to be specifically for the BLM organization.

I read everything. I’m not naive to claims of people who opt-out of paying money directly to the BLM organization. Speculation of where the money that’s donated to BLM is always questioned. Speculation for why #BlackLivesMatter protests emerge during the political season, too. Why is it? Who knows? Is it the assumption that it’s a black organization? People could argue. I research where my money is going, too. So often when speaking to someone about supporting black lives, I hear their doubts about donating money to an organization like #BlackLivesMatter. 

You can still donate to something else…🙄

The Curators Of Hip-Hop hosted a zoom panel discussion “The Organized Culture” on Facebook live discussing issues in the current climate like what we should be doing next from protesting and what needs to be done to see changes when it comes to injustices. Five community leaders in Baltimore had this open discussion on Facebook live sharing what they do as their contributions to helping support the community around them.

[Watch the Facebook Panel Of The Organized Culture hosted by the Curators of Hip-Hop via their Facebook Channel.]

It’s important that I shared this entire panel because each speaker shared points worth considering when taking on supporting a cause against injustices like #BlackLivesMatter. But there are many more issues that require attention because the injustices are interchangeably relatable to each other when it comes to the challenges that plague an oppressed and disadvantaged culture. As crime is directly linked more to poverty than race or any other factor. We should be looking to support and find ways to better improve these communities and neighborhoods. We can find roadblocks to almost every avenue of social interaction. Causes that could be addressed for inner-city communities are unemployment, poverty, drug, and alcohol addiction, homelessness, it is not only police reform that needs fixing. Because there is a connection to high crime rates in a system that embellishes all of the above, racism is a plague that is weaved within all of it, and a privileged group that rarely experiences it at all needs to know what’s going on.

Will you make a stand to donate to a cause to change systemic racism in its entirety? What are some causes that you know that fight against injustices? List them in the comments below.

Is this the Revolution I talked about not being Televised? My #BlackOutTuesday Protest Against Racism in the Wake of the 2020 Minneapolis Riots

I started writing this blog last week. I revised and deleted it a few times. I’m still weird about publishing this now. But to tell you the truth, I feel the same feeling of word vomit eroding my mouth today as I did 5 years ago when I wrote “#OpinionEssay: The “Real” Revolution Will Not Be Televised. #ILoveBaltimore” during the unrest in Baltimore resulting in the Baltimore Uprising. I don’t care how the blog comes off because it is another protest about what is happening around me. I just asked God to use me as he did before.

On Memorial Day, May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a black American man was executed on video by Officer Derek Chavin of the Minneapolis Police Department. The video went viral like a plethora of other police brutality videos that surface online. But this one…this one might just be the video that dropped a major bomb into white people’s reality. Do we actually have white people on alert as to what happens to Black people in America? Because a week later after this horrific image was shared countless times on our feeds, America also has seen protests and riots in cities across the country calling for justice for Floyd

Credit:Nick Oxford/Reuters

When I wrote my Opinion Essay about how a revolution and revolt would not be televised, it was to send a message to Black people to come together and educate their families on the realities of being black. I wanted people to talk to their children about Black history. I needed black parents to take the time to teach their kids about a culture and a reality that has led their children to face a different lifestyle than those of other backgrounds. I wanted black people to heal in their black pride by sharing themselves with each other. It wasn’t my intention to tell black people to seek help or compassion from anyone who is white. When black people feel betrayed, that is the last thing they’re thinking of doing. I really believe many black people, like myself, took the time to immerse themselves in their blackness and grew in their pride because I saw so much uplifting and positivity living in the midst of the 2015 Baltimore Uprising. But the revolution was not going to be televised and all the positivity Black Baltimoreans experienced was short-lived. 

Source: Vice ID

Today I feel different about this revolution for Black America. I mean, the revolution is definitely on TV lol. There are so many black people who are already strong, having pride for themselves and culture. Black people live in their blackness daily. We don’t need to keep being reminded of why we go through these harsh realities. We’ve even gotten accustomed to healing each other whenever we’re knocked down with each release of a new video or news story. Though so many people yell #AllLivesMatter or Black on Black crime -blah, blah, blah- that is absolutely irrelevant to what attention we want. Black People are faced with injustices that people are deliberately ignoring. The revolution we’re watching for sure needs to be televised but this part of it is not for our spectatorship, it’s for our voice.

This revolution needs our labor at this moment to be a voice in our pure authentic blackness. This revolution needs for us to share our black stories, our black experiences, our black pain, and our black hopes. We need to share these things with our white friends so they can empathize with them. We need them to find some way to feel how we feel so that it can provoke them to fight for their allies because when white people care, they fight. It’s liberating to see more of my white friends, co-workers, and acquaintances speaking up after seeing this video. It’s amazing seeing white people taking the initiative to do the things that I asked of from Black people.

June 2, 2020, is a unique day in history particularly because #BlackOutTuesday will mark a day when industries and companies around the world chose to stop what they were doing to stand in solidarity against systemic racism. It’s the day America is literally acknowledging the bullshit. It might not be the whole country because there are still many doubters. But America today looks like it wants to listen to what we have to say. Black people have been screaming for such acknowledgment since forever ago. I’m a little overwhelmed with America lending an ear to Black folks, but goddammit about time. It’s the first time in all my life that I’m seeing white guilt on such a huge magnitude. I watched a video on Baltimore Fox 45 Facebook Live of hundreds of white people kneeling in solidarity on Northern Parkway and Roland Ave. We’re nowhere near the endpoint of racism but at least I’m seeing white people just as outraged as we are.

Several hundred protestors are kneeling for 9 mins on Northern Pkwy and Roland Ave.
Eddie Kadhim WMAR is on scene (Source: Facebook WBAR-2)

It’s not over. We still need our white allies. But we need this issue to be in their faces constantly. That’s the just reality of it. Once George Floyd’s investigation dies down in the media, will white people stop trying to learn what’s really affecting people of color? When I think of the answer to this question in general, it’s no because it’s a really uncomfortable subject. People do not like facing being uncomfortable. A huge part of me believes that once we stop talking about it, we’ll fall back into this being black people’s reality, and I’m not being a narcissist when I think this because this is my reality. I’m black and there are a lot of wow factors about my daily escapades of being a black woman I often gaze over as just another thing I’m used to.

This is the new challenge that I would like white allies to face now that we’ve got a lot of their attention. I challenge them to continually diversify their mind while learning black culture because many of us have concerns about what’s genuine. All these awesome stances are being made, but will they make an effort to continue to learn about systemic racism and seek ways to help fight it? Will they deliberately seek moments that may make them uncomfortable with the intentions of it helping them grow? The country needs unity and in order to get there, we need collaboration and understanding that will not expire once the next headline takes the lead, I’m just saying.

Credit: Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

I’m tired. So are a lot of other black people. Are white people truly tired?

Have you read What You Missed at the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March… (Four Main Points Minister Farrakhan Shouted at Us)?

Join 20th Anniversary Million Man March Bus Trip w/ @DocsCastleMedia, @Beyond_Shae, & @AMN_Press

Will you be participating in the 20th Anniversary Million Man March this year?


So here’s the scoop.

Doc’s Castle Media has decided to team up with Baltimore Blogger Shae McCoy of Uncommonrealist, Baltimore Entrepreneur Cortez Page of AMNGlobal, and NHENT to show the interweb our contributions, support and love towards our culture, our purpose, and our history by participating in the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March.

What’s the Million Man March?

Twenty years ago on October 16, 1995, Minister Louis Farrakahn, leader of the Nation of Islam, called on a march to the National Mall in Washington, DC to present a different image to society of what the Black Male represents. Civil rights leaders and organizations came together to unite in self-help and self-defense against economic and social issues faced in Black communities around our nation. This movement was mainly in works to gain politicians attention on matters happening in urban and minority environments, and also to encourage Black Americans to seek seminars and worship services for the betterment of the wellness of the black communities.

Why the Million Man March is Important today?  

On April 12, 2015, twenty-five year old Baltimorean Freddie Gray was arrested by Baltimore City police on weapon charges. Seven days later, Gray died of spinal injuries which later sparked community protest and accusations of police brutality. Baltimore city witnessed its worst riots yet to be seen since the Baltimore riots of 1968, following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The April 2015 riots gave way for Baltimore blacks to say, “Helllllllllll nawwww! They done fucked with the wrong city now!,” and sparked a revolution for a new generation to make a choice on whether they were ready to end a war that’s been on the outskirts of social ills for decades upon decades of Black lives. Now we’re here, seven months later, with a drive that seems to me has slowed down since then.


The Baltimore Riots earlier this year had me worked up. I went to protests back-to-back for a week and a half straight. Now that all of the hostility from the Freddie Gray case is slowly turning down from the media’s hype, it’s evident that people can quickly lose interest in the importance of remembering the reasons why Black people fight so hard for fair opportunities, something our culture cannot ever get a break from doing.

You see it’s the 20TH ANNIVERSARY of the Million Man March, right?!

It makes no sense that black men and women should have to dress and look a certain way in our society to prevent ourselves from being killed by the very people who are meant to protect us. I guess, it’s become all about being out of sight and out of mind because now that the news isn’t putting images of police brutality on the television screens of Americans, mass majority of civil protest regarding Black Lives Matters have decreased.

Why Doc’s Castle Media will be participating in the Million Man March?

As I briefly stated in my previous post “The Real Revolution Will Not Be Televised. #ILoveBaltimore,” I mentioned it being my duty to record the history in the making of a new revolution for black people. It is my job to talk about these things the way the mainstream media does not, so that people will be able to judge accordingly to what they find fit for the justice and fairness of how they’ll live their lives.

Well, I’ve stirred up some motivation with some of my peers. Now we’re inviting you to get involved with remembering why it’s important to fight for the rights against social injustice. So here’s how you can join the march with us:

  1. Visit the AMNGlobal Eventbrite webpage.
  2. Buy a $20 bus ticket used as donation to secure a seat for attendance.
  3. Invite a friend to come with you and have them buy a ticket.
  4. Arrive at the School Board of Education before the 6 AM bus departure. (200 E. North Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21202)
  5. Take lots of photos of the history you’re sure to take place at The National Mall.
  6. Post them online to motivate your friends.
  7. Return to School Board of Education at 8 PM arrival.

It’s simple and worth your time and presence. Just think about your children.

If you have any further questions regarding this day trip, you’re invited to call 443-943-3309. You may also email your questions to either of the following emails.

The Uncommonrealist:

Doc’s Castle Media:


Have you read about the aftermath of the Baltimore 2015 Riots by Doc? Read “Life As A Black Baltimorean After the 2015 Riots” on Doc’s Castle Media.