The Current Generation Doesn’t Take Part In Civil Rights Movements Because…

In the awakening of the protests that have taken place across the nation over the course of these past few weeks, I’ve seen opinions from different people all over the “interweb” about whether people should participate in the cause to stop police brutality. I have some opinions, myself, on such a subject.

At my nine-to-five job, I speak to older people often about the justifications for why younger generations choose not to participate in civil rights movements or protests. They are astonished at my answers but they agree with my assumptions quite often. So I made a list explaining why I feel the younger generation doesn’t put much effort in protesting in causes similar to Michael Brown’s.


1.) This generation is selfish and lazy.

If we can’t even make the choice to be in a monogamous relationship and stop glorifying side pieces, how are we able to commit to a few protests. It’s sad to say but really, how are we able to be positive if even the intimate situations are left unanswered? If we aren’t loyal to our own culture by not participating in genocide, how are can we march together? We also look for quick solutions because we’re too lazy to search for what will truly help. How can we organize a successful protest without passion for helping someone else, or without the urge to help?

2.) They don’t see protesting as often as previous generations so it’s hard to justify the reason for why they should do it. This generation is sort of “privileged” because we never had to march for the chance to be including in something “white america” has for themselves. Racism is still prevalent today but the difference between then and now is racism is a secret to majority of the white culture. It’s so secret that white people who look past color differences often look at black people’s complaints about racism as “nagging.” This generation turns a blind eye to racist acts, and when they do that, there isn’t further action for stopping hate crimes when they do happen.

3.) There isn’t a civil rights leader to lead this generation.

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X are icons of the past. This generation looks up to Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Kanye West to be influenced to do something. I have yet to see either one of them do anything in support of the people protesting in Ferguson for Michael Brown. I think it sucks that what these artists think can influence other people’s thoughts and actions, especially when it comes to Kanye. People feed off this man’s negativity more than the positive. Now tell me, how would this country react if Kanye decided to be a civil rights leader. We need someone to provoke greatness in our culture, not meaningless idiocy.

5.) They’re unaware of what’s happening in the community.

This generation doesn’t read or watch the news unless it’s about entertainment. To add to that, the media also pushes the same stories 50 times like people didn’t hear it 30 times from a different media outlet. What happened to promoting awareness. I think we’re well informed about how great the 2014 VMA’s went. Let’s get back to what’s tearing this country apart.

6.) They don’t believe that anything will change.

Majority of this generation thinks negatively before looking at the positive in a situation. Just look at our Instagrams. There are thousands of memes that are used to describe our feelings about certain things. I see majority of memes that have negative undertones. I have people on my social networks who live by “twitter logic.” If they keep pushing negativity,  who’s to say they’ll change?  It takes strength to change. Can we say this generation is strong?

I don’t participate in every movement created in remembrance of Michael Brown. Not every cause is in favor of everyone. This week I was invited to participate in a protest that, in my opinion, doesn’t support the cause  for equality at all. Have you heard of the Blackout Monday protest?


Blackout Monday is doing the exact opposite of fighting for equality! How are we working to become a better nation if we’re telling people not to support businesses because they are in support of “the system” (whatever the hell that is). Last time I checked, all of America owes other countries a piece of our shares. Everyone needs a little money to support their love ones. Why jeopardize how someone survives based off what’s currently happening? What is the reason for seizing shopping at stores that employ blacks or other minorities? What is one day shopping at Black own businesses going to do? If you’re going to support blacks, why let it be for one day?

So if I don’t shop at Best Buy or Wal-Mart on Monday, September 8, 2014 and support black businesses in America, we’ll be better as a nation? Somethings wrong with this logic. We should be pushing for EQUALITY and not aiming to be further SEGREGATED.

It wasn’t too long ago we chanted how we wanted change while Barack Obama ran for president. One man can’t do it. Let all generations come together to change. Let all people come together to change. Let’s stop talking about change and really change this time!

We should all be leaning on the proposition that we need a leader to point us in the right direction for making a change. There are too many people with multiple opinions inflicting their morals on others. Not everyone’s morals are for the good. We need someone like Martin Luther King Jr., someone who’s going to speak of protesting in peace and unity because the rioting in Ferguson is doing the opposite of what we’re expecting to change.

What do you think? Why do you think the younger generations don’t participate in protests? Leave your comments below.

Did you participate in the online protest in honor of Michael Brown? Read The Online Protests In Honor of Those Mistreated By Law Enforcers: #IfTheyGunnedMeDown on Doc’s Castle Media.

Will Blacks Have To Wait Another 100 Years?

I rarely write creative pieces. I leave that up to my fellow writer C. Davis. But something came over me last night that made me want to write a creative essay expressing thoughts I know lots of people may be having with the verdicts of the Michael Dunn and Jordan Davis case. So I just ran with my pen last night…

With all of these important court cases going on that are potentially racial profiling cases, I’m becoming discouraged about the stance of my black american race. When will we truly be considered equal? Will it take another 100 years of mistreatment to finally get what we deserve?

Two hundred years ago, we celebrated the freedom from the chains of slavery. One hundred years ago, we scream for joy because of our civil rights becoming intact. But must we still fight for what we deserve? Blacks do not have it easy, and if you are not black you will NEVER understand. I’m not just another black person screaming for attention. I am not using my race as a crutch!

They wine because we are still “bickering” over things we STILL do not have. We have no justice! We have no rights to live a smooth, judge-free life years after this law of equality was so-called “blessed” into every black man and woman’s life. It’s sad to think that sometimes I’m glad I don’t have children because if I had them, I wouldn’t want them to experience the awakening truth I’ve experienced when I realized that even in 2014 where we see beautiful black people earn money in professions that we once were unable to have grace our presence in times of extreme hardship, we still cannot live without someone yelling ignorant slander accusing us as being something we are not. “Oh, because he has dreads and gloats after he accomplishes his dream, he must be a thug.” Ignorance!

And where are our Martin Luther King Jr.’s? Where are our Malcolm X’s? They seise to exist in my time though we clearly need them today. Where are our black men and women that’ll lead the way for change? We do not have them. All of these beautiful black celebrities and we don’t have leaders.


Because I am black, it does not mean I’m dumb, I’m useless, I’m unable to achieve. My eagerness to strive has nothing to do with the color that appears on me! Because I’m black, it does not me I’m a hoodrat, I’m ghetto, I’m doing nothing but clubbing every weekend like my life depended on it. Matter of fact, just the other day I saw a white woman doing it. I bet they can’t explain that. But I swear they’d say she’s sick or find another excuse to justify that bitch. This world is sick!

I don’t want to turn it around or play the blame game. If we were all blind, it would not matter one bit. From my knowledge, there are instances about life where race has no discrimination, like love or hate, pain or pleasure, life or death. So why do we bicker like we’re better than the other. We need outlining factors to unite us. Even cancer pulls us together in times of despair. Why must that be our cause? Equality should be enough. Instead, we bully each other and look down upon the kids who do it in schools. Everyone needs a punishment. We’re all bullies! We’re all fools!

Change, and I mean the real kind, is what we need. But it’ll take another 100 years to get it.

Read last week’s creative juices submission, Carmone Salome by Taylor Evans.

When Did George Zimmerman Become A Celebrity?

So there’s news circulating about George Zimmerman fighting in the celebrity boxing match. It’s purpose is to raise money for him and possibly unmentioned causes. I’m assuming those causes benefits George Zimmerman, as well. There’s been some talk about which celebrity will be facing Zimmerman for these past two weeks. Names like The Game and Kanye West have been mentioned to fight this teenager killer. But supposedly the celebrity chosen to fight Zimmerman is rapper DMX. What has this world come to?


DMX is 43 years old while Zimmerman is 30, and a trained fighter. Who do you believe will win that match? DMX was chosen out of a pool of 15,000 applicants because he’s shown that he wants to fight Zimmerman the most. It’s mentioned in TMZ that he has expressed he’ll be breaking all boxing match rules, including urinating in Zimmerman’s face, to beat him. That’s extreme. He’s fighting for “all black people that have been done wrong by the judicial system.”

There are so many mistakes with this boxing match happening. There has to be a logical reason to persuade DMX to not go through with it. Even if we can’t persuade him to not go through with it, there’s reason for Americans to not not watch the match because it’s pure ignorance. So I’ve taken time to list the reasons.

  1. Please tell me why it’s a black man that’s fighting George Zimmerman?
  2. Wasn’t this man recently in court for murdering a black teenager? Though Zimmerman didn’t start his request to fight a celebrity as a racial one, it will become a racial issue if DMX gets his ass beat. It’s already becoming that if black folks are starting to believe this is their justice for Travon Martin. I can guess what the average black american is already thinking. DMX black ass is going to show Zimmerman what he deserves. Excuse me, but I recall Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday being 3 weeks ago, and we’re in the mist of Black History Month. Damon Feldman, promoter of the boxing match, shouldn’t be going through with this at all. It’ll be more turmoil on Zimmerman in the end.

  3. So who exactly are we supporting to raise money for?
  4. Since Zimmerman was the one to call on this beat down, wouldn’t you say it’s effed up that we’re choosing to support whatever this man is proposing after he was said not guilty for killing a 17 year old boy? By watching this boxing match you’re doing exactly that. He was in two altercations after the Travon Martin case that regarded his violent behavior between his wife and family. This man does not deserve money or people watching him fight at all. He has issues with keeping his hands off people.

  5. If we watch celebrity boxing match, are we agreeing that George Zimmerman is a celebrity?
  6. If killing a 17 year old black boy is a standard to becoming a celebrity with praise in American, this country has some serious problems. This man murdered someone and now he’s featured on news sites like TMZ, VH1, and MTV. I can’t even get a story on those media outlets and I haven’t killed anyone. His treatment in society is unfair just like his case ruling. It’s ridiculous. I can’t see how America is a great place to be when we still have some issues with racism and the judicial system. Zimmerman is not a celebrity in my eyes. He’s been nothing but a criminal. He does not deserve my approval to be on my television screen for pure entertainment. So he will not be on my screen.

There are efforts to stopping this mess because what’s happening can cause a huge problem in America. Posted as news in Philadelphia Magazine, there’s a petition authorized by the White House to stop this celebrity boxing match from happening. If the petition gets 100,000 signatures, the white house will have to take action in stopping this match.

I encourage the Doc’s Castle Media readers to stop what they’re doing to sign this petition against Damon Feldman and George Zimmerman on the There are currently 22,000 signatures. Lets take a stand to stop racial tensions in America.