#Thirsty30Body: Start Your Morning Eating Clean (Breakfast Smoothie Recipe)

Eating healthy is a huge part of losing weight. There are numerous diets people subscribe to hoping it’s the solution to their weight loss journey. I don’t subscribe to any diet but I do have a routine I follow for my breakfast smoothies each morning. This Thirsty 30 Body blog is how I start my mornings eating healthy. I’m sharing my recipe for my morning breakfast smoothie.

One of the most popular dietary fads today is the Keto Diet. Almost every recipe on my Pinterest timeline is geared to the keto diet. Nearly every recipe book I find in the bookstores is catered to keto followers. Nothing is wrong with this diet. In fact, many people show proof that it’s very effective. To me, it’s just another fad diet like intermediate fasting or Atkins diet. They’re temporary fixes for quick weight loss that people keep up for a time being but rarely subscribe for extended periods of time.

[Read Top 10 Most Popular Diets by RealBuzz]

I’m not a member of diet fads. I don’t support what’ll be a temporary fix for everyday health. Such fads are meant to help your weight for the moment, like when we see someone prepping for their wedding day 2 weeks prior to their wedding date, or prom being a month away and needing to fit in that perfect dress. To have lifetime results, it’ll require lifestyle changes that surpass small dietary changes like keto or even Weight Watchers. These fads do not provide solutions for the long term. Making a dietary change like becoming vegetarian or vegan is considered to be a lifestyle change. It’ll require more preparation and time to make a healthy habit. The results are worth the switch because the benefits of these healthy diets can lead to a more prosperous and wealthy long living life. 

How do I convince myself eating healthy is a priority over a quick solution?

If I’m going to change how I eat, it’ll be to help me, not hurt me. That’s the whole point of Thirsty 30 Body, I’m changing my lifestyle to implement healthier habits. Eating a diet that is natural and won’t require too much effort will be the best for me. So I approached eating healthier similar to my switch to natural hair. It was a clean one.

What I learned while taking care of my natural hair that I’ll carry with me in my quest for eating better is less is more. The least amount of products that I put in my hair the better my hair will look. Pure shea butter and olive oil do my hair justice. There really isn’t much required to keep my hair well. My hair growth is astounding. When approaching eating cleaner, I felt there would be a similar result for less. If I ate foods with little to no preservatives and added ingredients, my skin would glow and I’d appear more energetic. If I stick to clean eating, there wouldn’t be much I’d need to be healthy. I was correct. This is why I’m 30 lbs down. Alongside working out, I remember to keep my diet clean and as natural as possible. My skin is flawless and I created a healthy habit.

[Read 11 Different Ways to Start Clean Eating from Healthline]

What is a clean diet?

I eat a lot of Whole Foods and Whole Grains. I consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. I rarely eat processed food. I also cook for myself often, rarely going out to eat. My breakfast is usually a raw meal, meaning most times it’s not required for me to cook. I eat fruit and smoothie bowls for breakfast, salads or leftovers for lunch, and try to save warm and savory options for dinner. I repeat, repeat, and repeat this way of eating until it becomes a habit. I become a clean eater.

Starting Your Day with a Balanced Breakfast

Last year I shared a video to Instagram of my famous breakfast smoothie. I wanted to share my most important meal of the day to motivate others on how simple it is to get started.

Breakfast might not be your most important meal of the day. But starting on the right path at the beginning of the day, helps me stay on track for the rest of the day. I try not to go a day without eating breakfast. But missing out on lunch or dinner is okay as long as I still receive enough calories for the day. 

Watch how I make my healthy smoothies for breakfast.

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